CSI Criteria

National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment has been established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with responsibility for determining standards and criteria for academic accreditation and assessment and for accrediting post-secondary institutions and the programs they offer. The Commission is committed to a strategy of encouraging, supporting and evaluating the quality assurance processes of post-secondary institutions to ensure that quality of learning and management of institutions are equivalent to the highest international standards. These high standards and levels of achievement must be widely recognized both within the Kingdom and elsewhere in the world.



Program Requirements

Institutional Requirements

for Program Eligibility


 Program License

Strategic plan for the university plus action plan for the program


Request for Internal Audit approved

Quality Center (Vice Deanship / Unit) and plan for quality


Program specification using the NCAAA template (including program learning outcomes)

Data on KPIs affecting all programs across the college


Course specification using the NCAAA template

Regulations and descriptions of processes for program approval, changes, and review


Descriptions of course and program requirements and regulations

Summary data on student evaluation surveys across the entire college


Annual course and program reports using the NCAAA templates

Student advising and counselling system



Summary report of student evaluation survey results

Facilities for extra-curricular activities


Students graduated, evaluations by the students are available

Provision of learning resources and system for responding to program requirements


Program advisory committee

Institutional system for provision and storage of statistical data


Institutional approved KPIs and benchmarks with analysis



Consistency with NQF



Self-evaluation scales are complete and an initial  draft of the SSRP


13.    Student Questionaires