In the framework of cooperation with the government and private sectors to achieve the goals of the university, and in cooperation between the Deanship of e-learning and distance learning and Soa'ada Centre for Family Development at Majma'ah, the lecturer at the Deanship of e-learning and distance learning, Mr. Faisal bin Hakim Al-Shammari presented a training course entitled "Our Sons and Technology" attended by 130 male/female trainees, and that's within the training program directed to parents which is prepared by Soa'ada Centre entitled "my family first" where the trainer mentioned the importance of technology and its interference in life aspects, and its impact on Juveniles in all aspects wither psychological, family, social or ethical, and helping techniques to supervise children, and guide them correctly in dealing with technology. This training course included -in interaction with the trainees- a practical application on some sites and electronic apps in this field.

The Deanship Presents a Training course within My Family First Program in Cooperation with the Soa'ada Centre for Family Development at Majma'ah
آخر تحديث
الأحد, 06/أبريل/2014