In the presence of Zulfi and Ghat governor and vice governor of Majmaah, The Rector launches the strategic plan of the university

Under the patronage of His Highness the Rector, Dr. Khlaid bin Sa’ad al-Mogren and in the presence of His Excellency, Zulfi governor Mr. Zayed bin Mohammed Aal Hussein, His Excellency, Ghat governor Mr. Abdullah Alnasser al-Sedairi, Vice Governor of Majmaah Mr. Mohammad Aamer al-Kharsan, Deputies of University, Deans of Colleges and Deanships, Directors of Government Departments and a number of officials, the strategic plan of Majmaah university was launched in (1433-1436) at the auditorium of campus in Majmaah. A speech ceremony was held in conjunction with that event. The ceremony was initiated by a recitation of the Qura’an by Shuaayb Albader, followed by a speech for the representative of the university with external partnerships and the General supervisor of colleges and deanships plans, Dr. Mohammad Alswaid where he welcomed all audience and extended his thanks to university partnerships and they are: the Arab Organization for Training and Development (internal partnership) and Texas Union of Higher Education (external partnership). The representative also praised the cooperation of everyone who contributed with their effort and time in creating the plan and with the follow up and support of His Highness the Rector. After that, the Rector launched the strategic plan of Majmaah University accompanied by a video presentation in which the establishment of the university was presented, its values, the last two years achievements and the impact of strategic plan on the academic and administrative future of the university. Then, Mr. Majed Alsaeed from the Arab Organization for Training and Development offered a presentation about the phases of creating the strategic plan and the efforts being made to create it which included workshops, questionnaires, official interviews and various reports for the plan to come out with its final formula which included vision, message and values of the university as well as creating general objectives and the strategies needed to achieve these objectives. After that, His Highness extended his thanks and appreciations to the Custodian of Two Holly Mosques, King Abdullah bin AbdulAziz and His Highness Crown Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz Al Saud for their caring and continues support for Higher Education Sector in general and Majmaah university in particular. His Highness also mentioned that the university achievements are all due to the cooperative efforts made by university staffs and the exploit of given resources to serve students. The university has attempted since its establishment to transform all wishes and ambitions to reality. Then, His Highness extended his thanks to university partnerships for their involving in creating the strategic plan. He also thanked all those participated in the plan, and he regarded the university as a partnership with all administrations and sectors that tend to exchange experiences. After that, all working groups who shared in creating the strategic plan were awarded as well as cooperators. Then, a copy of the strategic plan was presented to His Highness the Rector by   the Representative of the Arab Organization for Training and Development and General supervisor of colleges and deanships plans. A copy was also presented to His Excellency, Zulfi governor Mr. Zayed bin Mohammed Aal Hussein, His Excellency, Ghat governor Mr. Abdullah Alnasser al-Sedairi and Vice Governor of Majmaah Mr. Mohammad Aamer al-Kharsan. Finally, the event was concluded by taking photos.


آخر تحديث
الأحد, 15/يونيو/2014