السلامة تُنفذ عدد من البرامج التدريبية عن كيفية استخدام مع وسائل السلامة

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Safety Unit in Zulfi and Ghat, conducted a number of training programs for university staff to raise the level of safety culture.

السلامة تُنفذ فرضيات إخلاء في كليات الجامعة

The Safety Department at the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment conducted multiple fire drills at the College of Engineering, College of Computer Sciences and Information, and College of Education in MajmaahThe drills were conducted in cooperation with the General…

الوبائيات: تُنفذ مبادرة بعنوان " أهمية الوقاية من العدوى في المنشآت الصحية "

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Epidemiology Department held, in cooperation with the University Medical Center and the Health Research Center at the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, an initiative entitled: "The Importance

الإدارة تُنفذ برنامج توعوي بعنوان " آلية فصل و جمع و نقل نفايات الرعاية الصحية"

Within the framework of the preventive plan followed to enhance the development of health awareness for healthcare professionals to deal with medical waste, the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Epidemiology Department held, in cooperation with the…

الإدارة تٌنهي أعمال مشروع قياس الجودة النوعية والمسح الإشعاعي

As part of the preventive measures to protect against radiation, the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Department of Radiation Protection and Environmental Awareness, has completed the project of measuring the quality and radiation survey of…

الإدارة تُشارك بمعرض السلامة المرورية تحت شعار "لسلامتك كُن ملتزماً"

In cooperation with the General Administration of Services, the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Safety Department, participated in the exhibition held in the College of Nursing in Hawtat Sudair for traffic safety.

الصحة المهنية و البيئة: تُنفذ عدد من الجولات لمطاعم و بوفيهات بمرافق الجامعة

A team from the Occupational Health and Environment Department at the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment intensified its tours of inspection to restaurants and buffets to ensure their readiness and compliance with occupational health and environmental requirements.

الإدارة تُنفذ جولات ميدانية لمتابعة اشتراطات السلامة و الصحة المهنية و البيئة بمقرات الجامعة

A team from the Occupational Health and Environment Administration and the Safety Department intensified their tours to classrooms to ensure their readiness and compliance with occupational health and safety and environmental standards. These efforts come to achieve a healthy environment for…

الإدارة تُنفذ مبادرة التوعية الصحية عن الإجهاد الحراري

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment launched a health awareness initiative about heat stress and ways to prevent it. The initiative aims to raise the employees' awareness through publications that were sent via e-mail and the X platform.

 الإدارة تحصل على تكريم من عمادة التطوير والجودة

Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, honored the director of the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, Mr.

السلامة تُنفذ دورات تدريبية لكيفية التعامل مع وسائل السلامة

As part of the preventive plan of the Safety Department, the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Safety Department, implemented a number of training programs for the university employees to spread awareness about safety.

السلامة تُنفذ فرضيات إخلاء في كليات الجامعة

The Safety Department at the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment conducted multiple fire drills at the College of Dentistry building in Zulfi, the College of Sharia and Law building in Ghat and the Applied College building in Remah.

الإدارة تُشارك في معرض فعاليات اليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني لعام 2024

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment participated in the 2024 World Civil Defense Day exhibition, which was held at Karam Mall.

السلامة: تنفيذ فرضيات الإخلاء لمباني الجامعة- أقسام الطالبات

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment, represented by the Women’s Safety Department, conducted evacuation drills at the buildings in Majmaah, Zulfi, College of Sharia and Law in Ghat, and the College of Nursing in Hawtat Sudair.

الإدارة تتلقى شكر وتقدير من وكيل الجامعة للتنمية والاستثمار

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the University’s Vice-Rector for Development and Investment, Prof.

الإدارة تتلقى شكر وتقدير من سعادة وكيل الجامعة للتنمية والاستثمار

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the vice-rector for development and investment, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, in recognition of its role in the success of the initiative of improving the university campus and its…

الإدارة تُشارك في مبادرة الحملة التطوعية للتوعية بأضرار المؤثرات العقلية

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment participated in the volunteer campaign initiative to raise awareness of the harms of psychotropic substances.

سعادة رئيس الجامعة يُكرم الإدارة لتمكينها العمل التطوعي بالجامعة

MU's rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, honored the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment in recognition of its prominent role in empowering volunteer work for the year 2023. The director, Mr.

الإدارة تُشارك في فعالية الإسكان الجامعي بالمجمعة

The General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment participated on the Saudi and International Volunteer Day in the housing event in Majmaah which was held by the General Administration of Housing to plant trees in the campus. 

سعادة وكيل الجامعة يختتم مراحل مبادرة تحسين المدن الجامعية لعام 2023م


MU's Vice-Rector for Development and Investment, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, concluded the initiative campus sustainability for the year 2023,  which was launched by the rector, Prof. Al-Mezal.