The Council meets every month, or exceptionally based on the request of its chairman, or by the request of its members of at least half of them. The meeting of the Council is considered regular if attended by more than half of its members, and in case of not being attended by the required number of its members, the meeting will be held after one hour of the original schedule if attended by at least (3) male/ female students, in addition to the President of the Council or his deputy.
The Council makes its decisions by a majority of votes, and in case of equality of votes the vote of the President of the Council will end it up by supporting one of the parties. Thus, the secret vote can be used in the topics which the majority of members suggest the secrecy of the vote.
The Council can form sub-committees, and invite members from outside to attend its meetings, or participate in Committees without having the right to vote. The length of the Council is one academic year. Hence, the Vice Rector of the University for Education Affairs can extend the Council for another year with the same structure. In case of a member is leaving the Council of male/female student, the nomination of the alternative will take palce in the same controls. A special secretariat is being formed for the Council, meeting reports and recommendations have to be submitted to the College Board for approval.