News Archive

لقاء تنمية التفكير الناقد

The College of Education, in collaboration with the Intellectual Awareness Unit, held a seminar titled "Developing Critical Thinking" via the Blackboard platform. The seminar was presented by Dr.

قسم اللغة العربية يقيم ورشة عمل ضمن خطة الكلية في الحصول على الاعتماد البرامجي

In the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, the Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs and Development, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Nasser, the Head of the Arabic Language Department, Dr. Tanf Al-Otaibi, and the staff of the department, the Arabic Language Department presented a…

كلية التربية تنظم لقاء للمعيدين والمحاضرين

The Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the College of Education, held a meeting for lecturers and teaching assistants on how to apply for universities.

محاضرة بناء الشخصية المعتدلة

In cooperation with the Intellectual Awareness Unit, and under the patronage of the Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Mohammad Al-Shehri, a lecture entitled: Building a Moderate Personality was presented by Dr.

الكلية تقيم ندوة أثر اللغة العربية في المحافظة على الهوية الدينية والوطنية بالتعاون مع وحدة التوعية الفكرية بالجامعة

Under the patronage of the Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Mohammad Al-Shehri, and with the presence of the Dean of the College of Education, Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, the College of Education, organized, in cooperation with the Intellectual Awareness Unit, a…

الكلية تقيم ندوة العمل التطوعي بالتعاون مع وحدة التوعية الفكرية بالجامعة

Under the patronage of the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Mohammad Al-Shehri, and in the presence of the Dean of the College of Education, Prof.

زيارة طلاب كلية التربية للمكتبة المركزية

The College of Education organized a student visit to the Central Library, as part of the college’s student activity plans. The students listened to a detailed explanation of everything the Central Library has. They also learned how to access the digital library and how to borrow books. All…

عميد كلية التربية يلتقي عضو وحدة التوعية الفكرية

The Dean of the College, Prof. Abdulaziz Al Othman, welcomed Dr. Aqil Al Aqil, a member of the Intellectual Awareness Unit at the University. During the meeting, the Intellectual Awareness Plan, its programs and initiatives were discussed.

لقاء الطلبة المستجدين في كلية التربية

The College of Education held a meeting for new students in the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof. Abdulaziz Al Othman, vice-deans and department heads.

فعالية اليوم العالمي لحوادث العمل

The College of Education celebrated the World Day for Workplace Accidents with the participation of the Arabic Language Department, the Islamic Studies Department, and the Student Guidance and Counseling Unit by holding a program.

فتتاح معرض المشاريع الطلابية للتنمية المستدامة لقسمي رياض الأطفال واللغة الإنجليزية

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Education in Majmaah and in the presence of Dr. Warda Al-Huqail, the head of the Kindergarten Department and Dr. Majid Al-Harbi, the head of the English Language Department, the college held an exhibition of student projects for sustainable…

لقاء المعايدة السنوي لعيد الفطر المبارك

The College of Education at female campus held an annual gathering for its employees in the lobby of the main building of the college in the presence of the college dean, Dr. Bushr Al-Khamali and the director of Administration, Ms. Huda Al-Rawasa.

لقاء الإثراء الرمضاني التربوي

The College of Education held the Ramadan Educational Enrichment Meeting virtually via the Ertiqaa platform, under the patronage of the Dean of the College, Prof. Abdulaziz Al Othman.

The meeting began with a speech by Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Harbi, Associate Professor in the Department of…

الملتقى الأول ليوم التعليم العالمي 2024

The Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, participated in the first forum of World Education Day 2024, organized by Qassim University under the theme of enhancing the integration of educational institutions to achieve the goals of Vision 2030.

احتفال بيوم الطفل الخليجي

The College of Education at female campus held a celebration of Gulf Children’s Day, which aims to instill the value of national identity in children. The celebration was held in the presence of the Vice Dean, Dr. Bushra Al-Khamali, department coordinators, faculty members, admin staff, and…

فعالية مبادرة غذائنا صحي (شطر الطلاب )

The Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, launched in the presence of college deans and students the exhibition on Healthy Food.

فعالية مبادرة غذائنا صحي

In the presence of the vice-dean, Dr. Bushra Al-Khamali, head of departments and students, an exhibition was launched on Healthy Food.

احتفال كلية التربية (شطر الطلاب ) بيوم التأسيس السعودي

The College of Education at the male campus celebrated Founding Day in the presence of the dean, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, and students.

احتفال كلية التربية (شطر الطالبات ) بيوم التأسيس السعودي

The College of Education at the female campus celebrated Founding Day in the presence of the vice-dean, Dr. Bushra Al-Khamaali, and students.

ورشة عمل : ساعدي الأيمن ( وسيلتي التعليمية)

The Vice-Dean's Office, represented by the Kindergarten Department  invites you to a workshop.

presenter: a group of graduates under the supervision of Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Sunday, 4/21/1445 AH, 9:00 - 11:00 am