News Archive

متابعة اللجان الدراسية بكلية التربية لسير العملية التعليمية

The academic committees at College of Education have assessed the progress of studies and the attendance of students in the new semester. The academic committees have also monitored the procedures for add/drop course requests.

مسابقة المشاريع والأبحاث الطلابية

The English Language Department, in collaboration with the Student Activities Unit, conducted a competition for student projects and research. The aim of the competition was to highlight the students' abilities and creative aspects.

استقبال كلية التربية للطالبات

The College of Education welcomed students on the first day of final exams. Motivational signs were posted along with providing hospitality to encourage students to create an environment conducive for students.   

كلية التربية تنظم يوماً مفتوحاً متنوع الفعاليات.

In the presence of the dean, Dr. Abdelaziz Al-Othman and the dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Saleh Al-Rasheed, an open day was organized by the College of Education which featured entertainment and sports activities. 

حملة تبرع بالدم في كلية التربية بالمجمعة

The College held a blood donation campaign led by the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, and a number of faculty members, staff and students who participated in the donation.

تكريم موظفي كلية التربية بالمجمعة

The Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, held a meeting with the college’s staff. The meeting began by a welcoming speech, encouraging them to work in a team spirit.

يوم القهوة السعودية بكلية التربية بالمجمعة

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Education, Dr.

مبادرة بادر

The Vice-Dean's Office (Student Guidance and Counseling Unit) held an initiative in cooperation with the student volunteer teams. The initiative highlights the achievements of the volunteer teams since 1436 AH.

ورشة عمل بعنوان: دراسة الحالة.

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Unit), is holding a workshop entitled: Case Study.

Provider: Ms. Fatima Al-Suqair, a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

ورشة عمل بعنوان: Statistical Analysis Of Surveys

The College of Education, represented by the Vice Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Unit), is holding a workshop entitled: Statistical Analysis Of Surveys

Presenter : Dr. Zaha Al-Enezi, Assistant Professor, Department of English.

أخطاء شائعة في البحوث العلمية

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, is holding a workshop entitled: Common Mistakes in Scientific Research.

Presenter: Prof. Abdullah Al-Harbi, Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods

زيارة وكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية لكلية التربية

The Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, Prof. Muhammad Al-Aboudi, visited the college of Education to oversee the progress of study the academic committees.

الإرشاد الأكاديمي للفصل الدراسي الثاني

The College of Education welcomes all students during the second semester of the academic year 1444 , and require students who have registration problems, or wish to discuss with the academic advisor, or request add/drop course, print the academic record and remaining courses to visit the hall…

مشاريع تخرج طلاب قسم اللغة الإنجليزية

Under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, and in the presence of the college’s vice-deans and heads of departments, the English Language Department held an exhibition for students’ graduation projects.



زيارة رئيس الجامعة لكلية التربية

MU rector, Prof. Al-Mizil, carried out a tour of inspection to the College of Education to oversee the progress of exams, committee works and control rooms. 

The dean was welcomed by the dean, Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Othman, vice-deans and head of departments. 

اليوم العالمي لمرض السكري

The College of Education ,represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, in cooperation with the Department of Biology celebrated the World Diabetes Day. 

تكريم د. جواهر الزهراني

At the request of the dean, Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Othman, the head of mathematics department, Dr. Jawaher Al-Zahrani, was honored as her tenure came to an end. 

قام عميد كلية التربية د. عبدالعزيز ال عثمان ، ووكيل الكلية للشؤون التعليمية د. عبدالرحمن الناصر ، بزيارة تفقدية للجان الاختبارات بالكلية والاطلاع على سير أعمال اللجان المختصة وقدم عميد الكلية شكره لجميع العاملين باللجان على جهودهم المبذولة. متمنياً لجميع الطلاب التوفيق والنجاح.

The Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, and the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Nasser, visited the examination committees of the college and oversaw the progress of the work.

سعادة عميد كلية التربية يتفقد سير الاختبارات النهائية لبرامج الماجستير.

With the follow-up of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, the final exams for master's programs began today. The dean inspected the exam committees and its progress.




الاختبارات النهائية لبرامج الاستثمار الأمثل للكوادر التعليمية

With the follow-up of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman and the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Al-Dakhil, the final exams for the Optimal Investment Program of Educational Cadres started today smoothly.