News Archive

مهارات العمل الجماعي

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit - represented by the Department of Mathematics - is inviting you to a workshop entitled: Teamwork Skills

Presenter: Ms. Munira Al-Muharij - a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics -

صحتي النفسية والاختبارات

The College of Education, represented by the Department of Arabic is inviting you to a workshop entitled "your mental health and exams"

presenter: Dr. Kareema Al-Anizi

Day and Time: Tuesday, 5 pm

مناقشة رؤية و رسالة و أهداف البرنامج

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to workshop entitled: Discussing the vision, mission and objectives of the program.

Presenter: Ms. Fatima Al-Suqair (a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department),

كيف أبدأ مشروعــي

The College of Education, represented by the Early Childhood Education Department, invites you to a workshop titled "How to Start My Business Project?"

Presenter: Ms. Fatimah Al-Suqair

Day and Time: Thursday, 12-11-1444 AH, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM via the following link:

إبتكار مكتبة تخدم الطفل في المجتمع المحلي

The College of Education, represented by the Early Childhood Education Department, invites you to a workshop titled "Designing a Library for Children in the Local Community." 

Presenter: Ms. Fatimah Al-Suqair (Faculty Member at the Early Childhood Education Department)

آلية القبول في برامج الدراسات العليا في الجامعات السعودية

The College of Education, represented by the Biology Department, invites you to a workshop titled "Admission Mechanism for Postgraduate Programs in Saudi Universities."

Presenter: Dr. Mashael Al-Damgh (Faculty Member at the Biology Department)

ملتقى المشاريع الطلابية

The Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, launched the Forum of Outstanding Student Projects for the academic year 1444 AH. The event was attended by the Dean of the College, Dr.

الملتقى الطلابي

Under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, the Deanship of Student Affairs organized a closing ceremony of the student activities for the academic year 1444 AH, along with the fifth student forum exhibition.

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل كيفية كتابة الخطة البحثية

The College of Education (Vice-Dean's Office for Higher Studies and Scientific Research - Scientific Research Unit), represented by the Department of Arabic Language, invites you to a course entitled: "How to Write a Research Proposal."

دعوة لحضور دورة بعنوان حقوق و واجبات أعضاء هيئة التدريس

The College of Education (Student Guidance and Counseling Unit), represented by the Department of Early Childhood Education, invites you to a workshop titled "Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members."

دعوه لحضور دورة بعنوان مهارات القيادة الإبداعية

The College of Education (Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit), represented by the Department of Mathematics, invites you to a course titled "Creative Leadership Skills."

ورشة عمل بعنوان ركائز أساسيه في الإبداع

The College of Education, represented by the Department of Islamic Studies, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Fundamental of Creativity." The workshop is organized by the Student Guidance and Counseling Unit at the college and will be presented by Dr.

دعوه لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان ( أساسيات و مهارات الملصق العلمي )

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Faculty Affairs Unit), in collaboration with the Department of Biology, invites you to a workshop entitled:

Fundamentals and Skills of Scientific Poster Design

دعوه لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان ( مهارات تقنية لطلاب الدراسات العليا )

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Graduate Studies Unit), in collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences, invites you to a workshop titled:

"Technical Skills for Graduate Students"

افتتاح فعالية (وطن بلا مخدرات)

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, inaugurated an event under theme "A Nation Without Drugs," which was organized by the College of Education. The event was attended by the Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Othman, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr.

خطة اخلاء كلية التربية بالمجمعة

The College of Education at female campus conducted an evacuation drills on Tuesday. The alarm bell was heard, and the students were evacuated without any stampede. The evacuation process lasted only one minute.

الصحة النفسية ودورها في تنمية المهارات.


The College of Education in Majma'ah, represented by the Counseling and Guidance Unit, in collaboration with the Early Childhood Education Department, is organizing a workshop titled "The Role of Mental Health in Skills Development."

أدرس بذكاء وليس بجهد.


The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development (Student Activities Unit), in collaboration with the Biology Department, is organizing a workshop titled "Study Smart, Not Hard."

Presenter: Dr. Mashael Al-Damgh, a faculty member in the Biology Department.

كيف اصمم بحثي العلمي بجدارة؟

The College of Education in Majma'ah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Unit), in collaboration with the Department of Early Childhood Education, is organizing a workshop titled "How to Design My Scientific Research Competently

كيف تنتج أفكار بحثية؟

The College of Education in Majma'ah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Research Unit), in collaboration with English Language Department, is organizing a workshop titled "How to generate research-related ideas?"