News Archive

الاختبارات النهائية لبرامج الاستثمار الأمثل للكوادر التعليمية

With the follow-up of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman and the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Al-Dakhil, the final exams for the Optimal Investment Program of Educational Cadres started today smoothly. 




اليوم العالمي للسكري

The College of Education ,represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, is holding, in cooperation with the Department of Biology, a seminar entitled World Diabetes Day.

 تعليمات الاختبارات النهائية.

Kindly read the final exam instructions. wish you a success

زيارة سعادة وكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية أ.د محمد بن صالح العبودي لكلية التربية للوقوف على سير الاختبارات النهائية الإلكترونية

The vice-rector for educational affairs, Prof. Mohammed Al-Aboudi, visited the college of education in Majmaah to oversee the progress of final exams at labs. 

تكريم الأستاذة: فاطمة بنت محمد الصقير

At the request of Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Othman, the dean, Ms. Fatimah Al-Suqair, was honored as her tenure as a head of nursery department came to an end. 


الثقة بالنفس

The Vice-Dean's Office (Community Service Unit) is inviting you to a training course entitled: Self-confidence.

Presenter: Dr. Maha Al-Kaltham, Department of Educational Sciences

Day and Time: Tuesday 3/15/1444 AH, 6:30 PM

صحتي سر سعادتي

The Vice-Dean's Office (Community Service Unit) is inviting you to a workshop entitled: My health is the secret of my happiness.

Presenter: Dr. Arwa Al-Salman, Department of Educational Sciences

Day and Time: Monday 3/14/1444 AH, 

يدنا بيدك

The College of Education, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs (People with Disabilities Unit), is inviting you to a meeting for people with special needs entitled: (Our hand is in your hand).

Day and Time: Sunday, 13/3/1444 AH, 9:30 am

المعلم بين المهنة والرسالة

The Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs is inviting you to a workshop entitled: The teacher between profession and mission

Presenter: Dr. Warda Abdulaziz Al-Hugail, Biology Department

Day and Tim: Wednesday, 9/3/14444 AH, 4 to 5 pm


التحول للفصول الثلاثة 

The College of Education in Majmaah is organizing a workshop for female students, in cooperation with the Early Childhood Department, a workshop entitled: The Transformation for Three Semesters System

Presenter:  Early Childhood Department

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (أساسيات متقدمة في PowerPoint and Word لتصميم العروض و الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية والعربية)

The Vice-Dean's Office is holding in cooperation with the Community Service Unit, a workshop entitled: Advanced course in PowerPoint and Word for Presentation and Writing in English and Arabic.

Presenter: Nada Ali, Department of English

حقوق وواجبات الطالبة

The Vice-Dean's Office of College of Education in Majmaah organizes an introductory meeting for female students entitled: The rights and duties of student.

Presenter: Early Childhood Department

Day and Time: Monday, 7/3/1444 AH, 11:30 am

Location: Hall 43, main building

التطوع أسلوب حياة 

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Special Education, a workshop entitled: Volunteering as a way of life.

Presenter: Ms. Asma Al-Zuman

Day and Time: Monday, 7/3/1444 AH, 7 pm - 8 pm

Link to attend the workshop: 

حلقات تصحيح التلاوة

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Unit of Community Service, a workshop entitled: Circles for teaching Quran

Presenter: students from Department of Islamic Studies

Day and Time: Monday, 7/3/1444 AH

Link for registration:

 أساسيات مبتدئة في PowerPoint and Word للكتابة وتصميم العروض باللغة الإنجليزية والعربية

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Unit of Community Service, a workshop entitled: "Basics of PowerPoint and Word"

Presenter: Ms. Nada Ali from Department of English

Day and Time: Sunday, 6/3/1444 AH, 8 - 10 am

Location: Training Hall

 أهمية الاجتهاد في التعليم الجامعي

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Special Education, a workshop entitled: "Importance of dedication in education"

Presenter: Ms. Ishtiaq Al-Ghatani

Day and Time: Sunday , 6/3/1444 AH, 9 am - 11 am

Location: main building 

المعايير المهنية للخريجة الجامعية

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Early Childhood, a workshop entitled: "Professional standards for a graduate"

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdelhaleem

Day and Time: Monday, 7/3/1444 AH, 9 am

Link to attend the workshop: 

يسمو ونسمو به

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Early Childhood, a workshop entitled: National day 92

Presenter: Dr. Manal Al-Harbi

Day and Time: Sunday, 6/3/1444 AH, 10 am - 11 am


تعزيز المواطنة الرقمية في ضوء رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Educational Science, a workshop entitled: "Promoting digital citizenship in light of the Kingdom's vision"

Presenter: Ms. Asma Al-Ahmed

Day and Time: Thursday, 3/3/1444 AH, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

مهارات بناء فريق العمل

The College of Education conducted jointly with the Department of Mathematics, a workshop entitled: Building team skills.

Presenter: Ms. Seham Al-Mutairi

Day and Time: Thursday, 3/3/1444 AH, 8 am - 9 am

Link to attend the workshop: