News Archive

إبداعاتنا في عصر المُتغيرات

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to a workshop entitled: Creativity in the Era of Changes.

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim, a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time:  Monday, 3/3/1445, 9:00-11:00 AM.

لقاء فريق العمل مع  عمادة الجودة وتطوير المهارات

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Education, vice-deans, and heads of department, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development held a meeting with the work team at the College of Education in Majmaah, to discuss the college's preparation for accreditation according to the National…

المقابلة الشخصية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, is inviting you to a workshop entitled: Personal Interview.

Presenter: Ms. Ishtiaq Al-Qahtani - faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Wednesday 1445 AH. 3/5 AH, 9:00-11:00 AM,

المعايير المهنية للخريجة الجامعية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, is inviting you to a workshop entitled: "Professional Standards for University Graduates"

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Sunday 1445 AH. 3/2 AH, 9:00-11:00 AM,

ورشة عمل كيف تعد الخريجة نفسها لسوق العمل

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to a workshop entitled: How a graduate break into the labor market"

Presenter: Dr. Manal Al-Harbi - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

تفعيل اليوم العالمي للإسعافات الأولية

The Kindergarten Department at the College of Education celebrated the World First Aid Day on Monday 3/3/1445 which targets all college staff and students. 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان آلية إعداد السيرة الذاتية

The Kindergarten Department is inviting you to a workshop entitled: (How to prepare a CV).

Presenter: Ms. Fatima Muhammad Al-Suqair (faculty member in the Kindergarten Department)

Day and Time: Tuesday 3/1445/ 4 AH, 10:00-12:00 AM,

Place: Hall 52 in the main building.

دعوة لحضور دورة بعنوان كيف تنمي السجل المهاري

Kindergarten Department, College of Education, is inviting you to a course entitled: (How to Develop Record Skills?).

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim (faculty member in the Kindergarten Department)

Day and Time: Thursday 2/29/1445 AH. 9:00 - 11:00

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل

The College of Education (Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research), represented by the English Department, invites you to a workshop entitled:

(Search Smarter Not Harder: Mastering Advanced in Digital Libraries)  

المعرض الإرشادي المصاحب للقاء الطلبة المستجدين

The College of Education participated in the guidance exhibition associated with the meeting of new students which was launched by MU's rector, Prof. Al-Mizil, who commended it. 

لقاء عميد الكلية بالطلبة و الطالبات المستجدين

The College of Education held a meeting for new students, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, vice-deans and department heads. The meeting focused on introducing students to the departments and units, and the services provided to them. 

إقامة فعالية بعنوان :English Department Orientation Day For Postgraduate Students

The Student Guidance and Counseling Unit - represented by the English Language Department, will hold an orientation day for postgraduate students which will be presented by Dr. Abeer Al-Harbi - Coordinator of the English Language Department - and Dr. Zaha Al-Anazi - a faculty member in the…

لقاء عميد الكلية بالطلبة المستجدين

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, is holding of a meeting for new students in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, on Monday.

اللقاء التعريفي لمستجدات قسم اللغة الإنجليزية 451

The College of Education (Student Guidance and Counseling Unit), represented by the English Department, is inviting you to an event entitled: (Orientation meeting for new students). The event will be presented by Dr. Abeer Al-Harbi (Head of the English Department), on Monday.

لقاء تعريفي لمستجدات قسم رياض الأطفال

The Student Guidance and Counseling Unit, represented by the Kindergarten Department, will hold an introductory meeting for new students which will be presented by Dr. Warda Al-Hugail (Head of the Kindergarten Department), on Sunday 2/18/1445 AH.

تكريم كلية التربية

The College of Education received a letter of appreciation and a shield from the General Administration for Occupational Health and Environment for winning the first place in implementing the evacuation drill. 

اللقاء الختامي

The Vice-Dean's Office held a closing meeting on Tuesday. Dr. Bushra Al-Khamaali delivered a thanking speech followed by a speech delivered by the head of department, Ms. Huda Al-Rusaa. The deanships were invited to participate in this meeting, which had a great impact on audience. 

الأشعة و الوقاية الإشعاعية

The Student Activities Unit, represented by the Biology Department, invites to a workshop entitled "Radiation and Protection,".

Presenter: Dr. Nuf Al-Thumairy.

Day and time: Tuesday, 17-11-1444 AH, from 4-5 PM,


الإبتكار في صنع الوسائل التعليمية

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to a workshop entitled: (Innovation in making educational aids), which targets female students

Presenter: Ms. Fatima Al-Suqair - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department -

تنمية الإبتكار لدى طفل الروضه

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit - represented by the Kindergarten Department invites you to a course entitled: Developing Innovation in Kindergarten Children (Concept and Training)

Presenter: Ms. Nora Al-Subaie

Day and Time: Wednesday 11-11-1444 AH,  4-6 pm,