News Archive

كيف تكون طالبا متميزا

The Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education, invites you to a course entitled "How to be an outstanding student"

Presenter: Dr. Hayam Mohammed, faculty member at Islamic Studies Department 

Day and Time: Wednesday, 26/3/1445, 12 pm

اليوم العالمي للمعلم

The Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, invites you to a course entitled: (Creative Teaching Through Artificial Intelligence Tools).

Presenter: Dr. Faisal Al-Shammari - Assistant Professor of Educational Technology.

(مهارات كتابة السيرة الذاتية)

The Arabic Language Department, College of Education, invites you to a course entitled (CV Writing Skills).

Presenter: Ms. Fatima Al-Saab - a faculty member in the Arabic Language Department

مهارات النجاح الاكاديمي

The Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled: Skills for Academic Success.

Presenter: Dr. Asma Al-Qatim - a faculty member in the Department of Educational Sciences

Day and Time: Sunday, 3/23/1445 AH. 5:00 - 8:00 pm

البيئة التعليمية في رياض الأطفال

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a course entitled: The Educational Environment in Kindergarten.

Presenter: Ms. Ishtiaq Al-Qahtani - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Sunday, 3/1445/ 23 AH, 9:00-11:00 AM

الملكية الفكرية و قضايا الإنتحال

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, College Education, invites you to a workshop entitled (Intellectual Property and Plagiarism)

Presenter: Dr. Manal Al-Harbi and Dr. Buthaina Muhammad - faculty members in the Kindergarten Department. 

الصحة النفسية و الرفاهية للجميع أولوية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled (Mental health and well-being for all is a priority - World Mental Health Day).

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department 

(المشكلات الإملائية الشائعة)

The Arabic Language Department, College of Education, invites you to a course entitled (Common Spelling Mistakes ).

Presenter: Ms. Wafa Al-Hajji - a faculty member in the Arabic Language Department

Day and Time: Tuesday 1445 AH. 3/18 AH, 7:00-8:00 PM,

 كيف تعد الخريجة نفسها لسوق العمل

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled: (How does a female graduate prepare herself for the labor market?)

Presenter: Dr. Manal Al-Harbi, a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department,

البيئة الأسرية والتفكير الإبتكاري لدى الأطفال

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop for students entitled: (Family Environment and Innovative Thinking in Children).

Presenter: Ms. Ishtiaq Al-Qahtani

Day and Time: Sunday, 3/16/1445, 9-11 am

الخجل الإجتماعي

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled (social anxiety)

Presenter: Dr. Warda Al-Hugail - Head of the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Wednesday, 3/19/1445 AH, 8:30-9:30 pm

أساليب التنشئة

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled (Parenting styles and their role in innovative growth)

Presenter: Dr. Emha Abdel Halim - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Monday, 3/17/1445 AH,  9:00-11:00 am,

رفع البحوث للمجلات العلمية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, invites you to a workshop entitled (How to submit a paper to scientific journals).

Presenter: Dr. Najlaa Abu Eid - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department 

Day and Time: Sunday 3/16/1445 AH, 10:00-12:00 AM,

إحتفالية كلية التربية باليوم الوطني السعودي 39

The College of Education in Majmaah held a special celebration on the 93rd Saudi National Day, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Othman, faculty members, and students.

The celebration included a speech by the Dean, poems, and a presentation. 

إبداعاتنا في عصر المُتغيرات

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to a workshop entitled: Creativity in the Era of Changes.

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim, a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time:  Monday, 3/3/1445, 9:00-11:00 AM.

لقاء فريق العمل مع  عمادة الجودة وتطوير المهارات

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Education, vice-deans, and heads of department, the Deanship of Quality and Skills Development held a meeting with the work team at the College of Education in Majmaah, to discuss the college's preparation for accreditation according to the National…

المقابلة الشخصية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, is inviting you to a workshop entitled: Personal Interview.

Presenter: Ms. Ishtiaq Al-Qahtani - faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Wednesday 1445 AH. 3/5 AH, 9:00-11:00 AM,

المعايير المهنية للخريجة الجامعية

The Kindergarten Department, College of Education, is inviting you to a workshop entitled: "Professional Standards for University Graduates"

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdel Halim - faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

Day and Time: Sunday 1445 AH. 3/2 AH, 9:00-11:00 AM,

ورشة عمل كيف تعد الخريجة نفسها لسوق العمل

The College of Education, represented by the Kindergarten Department, invites you to a workshop entitled: How a graduate break into the labor market"

Presenter: Dr. Manal Al-Harbi - a faculty member in the Kindergarten Department

تفعيل اليوم العالمي للإسعافات الأولية

The Kindergarten Department at the College of Education celebrated the World First Aid Day on Monday 3/3/1445 which targets all college staff and students.