News Archive

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (أنا موهوب)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you a workshop entitled "I'm talented"

Presenter: Ms. Asma Al-Zoman

Day and Time: Wednesday 8/7/1443, 7:30-8:30

Target group: students 

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (الإعداد للمقابلة الشخصية)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "How to prepare for interview".

Presenter: Ms. Seham Al-Mutairi

Day and Time: Wednesday, 8/7/1443, 8-9 am

كيف تنمي سماتك الشخصية

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs (Alumni Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled "

How do you develop your personal traits".

Presenter: Dr. Maha Abdelhaleem

Day and Time: Wednesday, 8/7/1443, 9-11 am

ثلاثون وصية للنجاح في الحياة

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a course entitled " 30 lessons for success in life"

Presenter: Dr. Heyam Mohammed

Day and Time: Monday,7-9 pm

فن ترويض الورقة الامتحانية

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, is inviting you to a course entitled "how to deal with exam paper"

Presenter : Dr. Heyam Mohammed

Day and Time: Sunday,1443/7/5, 7-9 pm

ورشة عمل بعنوان (الإحصاء الوصفي في الابحاث العلمية)

The College of Education in Majmaahو represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Unit), is inviting you to a workshop entitled (Descriptive Statistics in Scientific Research).

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismail,

حلقات تصحيح التلاوة 

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit) and in cooperation with the Department of Islamic Studies is inviting you to attend Quran recitation circles. 

To register via the link:

(أكتشفي قدراتك وإبدئي حياتك)

The College of Education, represented by Council and Academic Advising, is inviting you to a course entitled "Discover your talent and start a new life"

Presenter: Ms. Dr. Maha Abdelhaleem

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/7/5, 9-11 am


معايير اختبار الرخصة لشاغلي الوظائف التعليمية تخصص رياضيات

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, is inviting you to a course entitled "Standards for licensing test for holders of teaching positions, majoring in mathematics

Presenter: Ms. Dr. Jawaher Al-Zahrani

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان: (التحضير لإختبار الآيلتس)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "How to prepare for ILETS exam" 

Presenter: Ms. Nora Al-Fayez

Day and Time: Monday, 1443/6/28, 4-6 pm

دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل بعنوان (أهمية الدراسة الإسلامية في سوق العمل)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you a workshop entitled "Importance of Islamic studies for market".

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/6/27,7-9 pm

اليوم العالمي للتعليم

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you to an activity entitled "World Education Day".

Day and Time: Monday, 1443/6/28, 9-11 am

أساسيات البحث العلمي

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, is inviting you to a workshop entitled "Basics of Scientific Research". 

Presenter: Dr. Tamader Al-Khansa

Day and Time: Thursday, 24/ 6/ 1443, 9-11 am

دعوة لحضور دورة تدريبة بعنوان (أهمية الدراسات الإسلامية في سوق العمل)

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, is inviting you a workshop entitled "Importance of Islamic studies for market".

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi

Day and Time: Sunday, 1443/6/23,9-11 am


لقاء تعريفي للطالبات المستجدات بجامعة المجمعة

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs, is inviting you a orientation meeting for freshmen. 

Presenter: Dr. Bushra Al-Anizi - Dr. Jawaher Al-Zahrani - Ms. Hanan Khalid - Ms. Munira Al-Mousa

 LaTex Tutorial using (Overleaf)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs invites you to a course entitled: LaTex Tutorial using (Overleaf),

Presenter: Prof. Basmah Al-Mutairi, (Mathematics Department)

Day and time: Wednesday, 06/16/1443 AH, 7 to 8 pm

بناء وتصميم الاستبانة الإلكترونية

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Deans's Office for Quality, is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled " Designing e-surveys".

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismael

Target group: faculty members 

Day and time: Wednesday, 16/6/1443

حساب نسب مخرجات التعلم

The College of Education, represented by the Vice-Deans's Office for Quality, is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled "Calculating learning outcomes ratios".

Presenter: Dr. Hanan Ismael

Target group: faculty members 

Day and time: Tuesday, 15/6/1443

دعوة لحضور سمنار بعنوان (طرق رياضية لإيجاد خطوط وأنابيب ليوتكس الأساسية بغرض تحديد هياكل الدوامات)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (the Graduate Studies Unit), invites you to a seminar entitled: (Mathematical Methods for Finding Basic Lyotex Lines and Tubes for Determining the Structures of Vortex)

دعوة لحضور ندوة بعنوان :( اللغة العربية والتواصل الحضاري)

The College of Education in Majmaah, represented by the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research (Community Service Unit), in cooperation with the Department of Arabic Language, are inviting you to a seminar entitled "Arabic Language and Cultural Communication".