# Authority of the Dean:
1 - Selecting college vice Deans and academic department heads and submitting recommendations for appointing them to the Rector.
2 - Approving the minutes of the meetings of departments Councils, and he has the right to object to their decisions within fifteen days from the date he receives them.
3 - Implementing the recommendations of Faculty Council.
4 - Issuing internal decisions required for the proper workflow in the college in accordance with the rules and regulations.
5 - Approving work performance reports prepared by college vice Deans, department heads, director of administrative units with regards to their employees.
6 - Approving regular, exceptional and emergency leaves for the college employees, and reporting that to Deanship of Teaching Staff and Employees Affairs in accordance with the rules.
7 - Delegating his authority in accordance with the regulations and rules of the university.
8 - Approving purchase orders in accordance with the rules and regulations.
9 - Issuing a resolution of establishing various temporary committees at the college level in accordance with the rules and regulations.
10 - Approving disbursement of work requirements in the College from the college budget.
11 - Recommending disbursement of overtime for employees of the college.
12 - Recommending internal and external appointment to the college employees except teaching staff.
13 - Recommending overtime appointment to employees of the college.
14 - Recommending College employees to attend training courses within and outside the university.
15 - Recommending for an extension to faculty members after finishing their service.
16 - Recommending recruitment of a faculty member after his retirement on the basis of a number of recommendations by the Heads of Departments.
17 - Recommending termination of contracts of non-Saudi faculty members in coordination with the heads of departments.
18 - Confirming the approval of the concerned department to postpone the admission of a graduate student provided that it does not exceed two semesters.
19 - Confirming the approval of the concerned department for a graduate student to delete all courses of the semester.
20 - Approving students transfer from outside the University to the College.
21 - Approving student transfer to the college from another college.
22 - Approving student transfer from his major to another major within the college.
23 - Allowing students to study as visiting students.