دورة تدريبية بعنوان "أساسيات الإكسل"

The College's club conducted a training course entitled: (Basics of Excel) on Tuesday and Wednesday at the graduation laboratory. The course was presented by Ms. Tayseer Al-Ghadfan, and addressed the following topics:

- What is Excel and its uses

محاضرة بعنوان "المسارعة بالخيرات في شهر البركات"

The Department of Islamic Studies and in collaboration with the College Club, organized a lecture titled "Rushing to Perform Good Deeds in Ramadan" on Tuesday, 29th of Ramadan, 1444 Hijri.

جولة تفقدية مع انطلاق الفصل الدراسي الثالث للعام الجامعي 1444هـ

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the College Council, Dr. Omar Al-Omar, made a tour of inspection to classrooms, departments and units to examine the progress of workflow. Dr. Al-Omar was accompanied by Dr. Yasser Al-Shabrami and Dr. Hajid Al-Otaibi. 

فعالية يوم التأسيس بأقسام الطالبات تحت شعار (يوم بدينا)

The Student Affairs Department, represented by the College Club at female campus, in collaboration with the units and departments, organized an event on the occasion of the Foundation Day.

فعاليات يوم التأسيس

The Student Affairs Department, represented by the Student Club, organized activities to celebrate Foundation Day on Tuesday in the college lobby. The event was attended by Dr.

ورشة عمل بعنوان "أساسيات البحث العلمي"

The Department of Business Administration, in cooperation with the Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit, held a workshop entitled (The Basics of Scientific Research), on Sunday 7/7/1444 AH.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Nahed Othman, and addressed the following topics:

برنامج بعنوان "يوم مشاريع التخرج الطلابية الأول"

The Vice-Dean's Office at female campus, in cooperation with the Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit and the Scientific Departments, organized a program entitled (The First Student Graduation Projects Day), on Wednesday.

ورشة عمل بعنوان "الفجوة البحثية"

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit at female campus held a workshop entitled: (The Research Gap), on Monday.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Fatima Amer, and addressed a number of topics, namely:

- Concept of research gap

- Exploring the research gap

برنامج بعنوان "البحث العلمي بين الحاضر والمستقبل وفق رؤية 2030"

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit, in cooperation with the E-Learning Unit organized a program entitled: (Scientific Research between the Present and the Future According to Vision 2030), on Wednesday

برنامج بعنوان " التسويق الإلكتروني ضرورة أساسية لتحقيق ميزة تنافسية للشركات"

The student affairs department, represented by the college club at female campus, organized a program, in cooperation with the business administration department, titled: (Electronic Marketing for achieving Competitive Advantage for Companies).

برنامج بعنوان "الاحتفالات وأنماط الحياة حول العالم"

The Department of English, in cooperation with the college club, conducted a program entitled (Celebrations and Lifestyles around the World) on Sunday. The program was presented by Dr.

حلقة علمية بعنوان "أحكام الرخص في العبادات"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit held a seminar entitled (Concession in Worship), on Thursday.

مبادرة بعنوان "وعي"

The Department of Business Administration held in cooperation with the College's club an activity to introduce students to the university study system. The event was moderated by Dr.

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "مهارات إدارة الوقت"

The College Club at female campus conducted a training course entitled (Time Management Skills) on Tuesday and Thursday which was presented by Ms. Tayseer Al Ghadhfan. The course addressed a number of topics including:

Introduction to time management

مبادرة بعنوان "نزهة فكرية"

The Department of Business Administration in cooperation with the College's club held an activity encouraging students to be prepared for final exams.

Ms. Sara moderated the event which featured tips on how to prepare for final exams. 

برنامج بعنوان "لا تتوقف عن التعلم "(Sub Title- Never Stop Leaning)

The Department of English conducted in cooperation with the College Club a program entitled: (Sub Title- Never Stop Leaning) on ​​Wednesday.

The program was presented by Dr. Sheba Ali, and addressed the following topics:

Importance of continuous learning and self-development

فعالية "السوق الإنجليزي"

The Department of English held an activity in cooperation with the Community Service and Continuing Education Unit and the College Club. The event was on English Market under the supervision of Dr. Enas Fawzi.

ورشة عمل بعنوان " شرح آلية التسجيل في المنصة الوطنية للعمل التطوعي وكيفية التسجيل بالفرص التطوعية"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit conducted a workshop in cooperation with the Social Responsibility Observatory for teachers and staff entitled (how to register in the national platform for volunteer work )

برنامج بعنوان "تنمية وتدريب الموارد البشرية -برامج التحول الوطني رؤية 2030-"

The Department of Business Administration, organized a program in cooperation with the College Club entitled (Human Resources Development and Training - National Transformation Programs Vision 2030 -), on Wednesday.

فعاليات برنامج الإرشاد الأكاديمي للفصل الدراسي الثاني 1444هـ

The Vice-Rector's Office for Educational Affairs, represented by the Student Support Unit, conducted an academic guidance program for the second semester of 1444 AH on Tuesday for faculty members, staff, and  students.