Foundations of the political system in Islam

 Objectives: Statement of the political system in the rules of Islam through the Qur'an and Sunnah Reply to Mithar against Islam suspicions concerning Balemraeh The protection of the Islamic religion of the West's ideas  Course description:Curriculum and identify the most important fashions covered in the book scheduledDefinition of politics, sources aware of the political system in Islam, and the characteristics of the political system in IslamPolitical conditions before Islam _ Athalasalamah in the time of the Prophet in Mecca Covenant and Testament propheticThe organization of the Islamic state and the most prominent new features internal political and externalSome legislation for political Islamic StateFeatures of the internal political Islamic StateForeign Relations of the Islamic StateIslamic state in the era of the CaliphsPolitical in the era of the caliphs Alrashidanarcan Islamic stateThe rule of GodAlraeih_aldar_aulo itThe three authorities in the political legitimacy of power, organizational _ _alsulth Alqdaúah_ executive branch.The relationship of the Islamic State of Foreign AffairsThe principles of international relations in IslamForeign Relations Islamic state in the event of peaceForeign Relations Islamic state in case of war