Course Description


This is an introductory course that provides fairly substantial knowledge about how historical events inEngland have affected and caused changes in the language throughout different periods; Old English,Middle English and Early Modern Era. The course is bifocal. First, there is a review of the political social and intellectual factors that have determined the development of language in each period. Then, close study of the internal structure of language in each is made. The course covers both historicalevents as well as language development


Course Aims

Students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the Indo-European family of languages.
  2. Identify historical changes: the Roman and Germanic invasions of England,
  3. Anglo-Saxon civilization, and dialects of Old English.
  4. Explain the differences in the spelling and pronunciation of Old English.
  5. Explain the syntax as well as vocabulary of Old English.
  6. Discuss Beowulf’s work as an outstanding literary figure of the Old English  period.
  7. Identify historical events relating to the Norman Conquest between 1066 & 1200 and the Re-Establishment of English from 1200 to 1500.
  8. Identify and explain alterations in spelling, syntax, and pronunciation of the Middle English period.
  9. Discuss Geoffrey Chaucer’s work as a main literary figure of the Middle English period. 


Learning Outcomes

  1. The Indo-European family of languages.
  2. The historical events of Roman and Germanic invasions of England, AngloSaxon civilization, and dialects of Old English
  3. Spelling and pronunciation of Old English
  4. Paradigms of nouns, adjectives and personal pronouns i.e. syntax as well as vocabulary of Old English
  5. Beowulf as an outstanding literary figure of the Old English period.
  6. Historical events pertaining to the Norman Conquest between 1066 & 1200 and
  7. historical events that led to the Re-Establishment of English from 1200 to 1500.
  8. Alterations in spelling and pronunciation of the Midlle English period.
  9. The syntax of the Middle English period.
  10. Geoffrey Chaucer as a main literary figure of the Middle English period
  11. Early Modern English era with a particular emphasis on the Great Vowel Shift