Dismissal from the University


Article XX:


The student shall be dismissed from the university in the following cases:

  1. Maximally, if he has got three consecutive probations, because of his decreasing CGPA to less than the fixed rate for graduation in accordance with the Article (19) of this by-law.According to a recommendation from the college board, the University Council may give a fourth chance for those who can raise their CGPAs by studying the available courses.
  2.  If he does not complete the requirements of graduation maximally within half the period for his graduation in addition to the duration of the program. The University Council may give an exceptional chance for the student to complete the requirements of graduation within a period that should not exceed double the period fixed  for  graduation.
  3.  The University Council may, in exceptional instances, treat the cases of the students to whom the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply,  by giving them an exceptional chance that does not exceed two semesters, maximally.

The Operational Rule for Majmmah University:

  1. The student shall be given a probation if his CGPA decreases from 2.00 out of 5.00. That will be evident in his academic record.
  2. If the student gets three consecutive probations, he will be deemed  academically dismissed . His case shall be treated as follows:
  1. The University Council may give the student a fourth chance in accordance with  a recommendation of the College Board for those who can raise their CGPAs by studying the available courses.
  2. The Standing Committee for Students' Academic Problems may recommend to the university Council to give the student a fifth chance according to the recommendation of the College Board, provided there is an improvement in his performance in the last semester, his CGPA being not less than 2.00 out of 5.00 and he can raise his it by studying the available courses.
  3. The University Council may exceptionally give the student a sixth last chance after the recommendation of the Standing Committee for  the Students' Academic Problems. 
  1. For the colleges that adopt the annual system , the student is deemed academically dismissed if his CGPA decreased to less than (2.00) for two consecutive years, until the College Board takes a decision on it as follows:
  1. The College Board may recommend to the University Board to give the student a first chance. If the student fails o raise his  CGPA, afterwards, the College Board recommends about him to the Standing Committee for Students' Academic Problems.
  2. The Standing Committee for Students' Academic Problems may recommend to the University Council to give the student a second chance based on the recommendation of the College Board. If the student fails to raise his CGPA afterwards, the committee may recommend about him, if necessary , to the University Council.
  3. The University Council may, exceptionally, give the student a last third chance after the recommendation of the Standing Committee for the Students' Affairs.
  1. If the student does not complete the requirements of graduation within the limited period for graduation, his case will be addressed as follows:
  1. If he does not complete the requirements of graduation maximally within half the period for his graduation added to the period of the program, the College Board may give the student an exceptional chance to complete the requirements of graduation within a maximal period not exceeding twice the fixed original period for graduation, provided the cause of delay is e acceptable to the College Board.
  2. The University Council may give the dismissed students who have exhausted twice the period of the program, a chance not exceeding two semesters, recommended by the Standing Committee for the Students' Academic Affairs.
  1. The College Board makes an inventory of all the cases it receives and presents them to the relevant councils and informs the Deanship of Admission and Registration within a period of time not exceeding the first two weeks from the commencement of the semester. In case of delay, the student shall not be permitted to register except for the following semester.