His Excellency the Rector of the University, Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Muqrin, has inaugurated the electronic systems for the management of services at the university, as the following: (Vehicle Management System, and the System of University Transportation) in the meeting room in his office, in the presence of His Excellency the Vice Rector of the University, Dr. Musalam bin Mohammed Al-Dosari, and a number of employees of the university. Therefore, the inauguration has started by a speech of the Director of Services Management, Mr. Metaeb bin Mohammad Al Maymouni, in which he expressed his thanks to His Excellency the Rector of the University and His Excellency the Vice Rector of the University for attending the inauguration of the electronic systems at the Department of Services, then he presented live presentation for these electronic systems, then His Excellency the Vice Rector of the University, Dr. Musalam bin Mohammed Al-Dosari,  delivered a speech in which he expressed his thanks to His Excellency the Rector of the University for the inauguration of these electronic systems at the Department of Services, which is considered as one of the e-transformation plans in all transactions in all of the departments affiliated with the Vice Presidency of the university, where the university transportation system - and that has contributed to the development of transporting female students from homes to the colleges back and forth –  helped the seekers for service to get it easily , as well as the online registration for female students, and getting the approved tracks, and the figures of buses and other services that the system does serve in counting bus lines. Therefore, female students, their bus lines and colleges are restricted to daily  disclosures through which the preparation is being made as well as the submission  electronically via transport offices at the colleges, also the submission of movement of buses daily through the system, and speed up the process of handling problems in order to avoid the notes if existed. Also, it offers a number of other features that serve colleges and female  students of excellence, as well as activities, practical application, and visits according to electronic scheduling, as the system helps to evaluate male and female workers at transport project electronically on a daily basis, and facilitate and follow-up the performance of service agents  for university  female students. Also, the System of Vehicle Management contributed to the inventory of all university vehicles and restricted them after linking them to E-portal of the Ministry of the Interior for users to place electronic files for all vehicles as well as the expenses of these vehicles of fuel and so on, and also scheduling the vehicles that are used temporarily or permanently by documenting the kind of duty through the system, in addition to a number of electronic forms, which are being offered through the system to all colleges, Deanships, and Departments. His Excellency the Vice Rector has also pointed that this work comes in pursuit of the Vice Presidency of the university in adapting all Units, Deanships, and Departments for electronic transformation in all services provided. It should be noted that during this meeting His Excellency the Rector of the University has briefed on a report regarding the Management of Services during the first semester of the academic year 1435- 1436 H.


Last modified
Sunday, 08/February/2015