Monthly Report Discussion

Monthly Report Discussion

Presented by: Quality Center and Quality Assurance Unit. Activity: Meeting with Quality Units at the Faculty. Target Group: Quality Center Units. Meeting Objectives: 1- Following up the Quality Units’ progress at the Faculty. 2- Discussing the Units’ development. 3- Talking about the reports of the Quality Assurance Unit. 4- Discussing the reports of the Strategic Planning Unit. 5- Following up the reports of the Assessment Unit. The Vice-dean for Quality and Development, Dr. Saad Al-Mahmoud, met with the supervisors and coordinators of the Quality Assurance Unit in his office on Thursday, 02/03/1438. Dr. Abdul-Hakeem Radwan- Director of the Quality Center- started by welcoming the vice-dean and the Unit’s members, as well as thanking the vice-dean for his ongoing support of the Quality Center and units. Then the vice-dean said that all reports of the units would be presented to the Faculty Board at its upcoming meetings. Several recommendations were offered after the discussion of the reports as following: 1- Measuring the learning outcomes of the programs and courses at the Faculty according to its handbook. 2- Holding workshops about making test banks and linking them to learning outcomes. 3- Selecting the time of training sessions and workshops appropriately so as not to coincide with the time of lectures. 4- Coordinating with the departments and units at the faculty regarding the training courses. 5- Using the Quality Room at the Faculty for holding training programs. 6- Launching an academic magazine of the Faculty. 7- Submitting stationery needs to the Administrative Department. Dr. Al-Mahmoud thanked the members of the Quality Center and the units for their efforts, and urged for more efforts aiming at the development of the Faculty of Education.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020