Reception of New Students

Reception of New Students

Prepared by: Student Support Unit at the Faculty of Education in Zulfi. Date: 25/12/1437 Place: Faculty Campus Activity: Reception of New Students Target Group: New Students of 1437/1438 Academic Year. Meeting Objectives 1- Introducing students to the faculty departments, units and student facilities. 2- Illustrating the services of the departments. 3- Explaining course registration and withdrawal. 4- Pointing out the importance of high academic performance at the University. 5- Showing students their rights and responsibilities. The Vice-deanship of Student Affairs at the Faculty of Education in Zulfi held a reception for the new students of the 1437/38 academic year on Monday, 25/12/1437. The gathering of the students commenced at the Hall of Ceremonies where the supervisor of the Student Unit along with the members were waiting. Then students headed to the E-learning Hall where Mr. Abdul-Muhsen Al-Odiban- Supervisor of the Student Service Unit- explained the process of course registration and withdrawal in addition to other academic procedures necessary for them throughout their study at the Faculty. Following Mr. Odiban’s presentation, students went to the Central library to identify its significance and academic services. Afterwards, there were introductions to the heads of the departments and units as well as the former excellent students at the Faculty. The Faculty Dean gave a talk to those freshmen following the introductions, congratulating them for their admission and urging them to do their best to achieve distinction in their studies. “We’re here for you, and we would be delighted to serve you all the time and solve your problems. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries or suggestions,” the Dean said. After answering students’ questions, several gifts from the Deanship of Student Affairs were distributed to the attendees.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020