Student’s Opinions on Tests

Student’s Opinions on Tests

Course presenter: Dr. Sana Khater Day: Wednesday Date: 8-3-1438 Place: (34) Annexed building at the Faculty of Education in Zulfi - at 9:30 am Target Group: Students of the Department of English Objectives

• Introducing students to the evaluation of test questions. • informing students of each value in the scale from 1 to 5.

• Handling and discussing the scale items in detail.

• Focusing on the importance of honest response to standard items to achieve accurate results when evaluating test questions.

The subject was meant to be addressed to students of the first level and focused on the importance of responding honestly to the items of the survey on the test achievement, demonstrating its importance in achieving the output of learning. The concepts of measurement, assessment and evaluation were also mentioned. A practical example of a real test was used and evaluated in light of the survey model on test questions. Also, there was an emphasis on reading the items of the survey very carefully and not over-evaluate, such as giving all items the highest degree in the scale without reading.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020