Using Time Exam Program for Designing Flashcards, Mind Maps and Electronic Tests

Using Time Exam Program for Designing Flashcards, Mind Maps and Electronic Tests

The Faculty of Education in Al-Zulfi, represented by the Training Unit at Quality Center in cooperation with the English Department in female Students Section held a workshop entitled "Using Time Exam Program for designing Flashcards, Mind Maps and Electronic Tests" in the e-learning laboratory in the faculty on Sunday corresponding to 19/05/1437 AH, which presented by the Assistant Professor of English Department, Dr. Iman Abdul Rahim Amin; targeted Faculty Members and their equivalents; and aimed to develop the capabilities and skills of Faculty Member concerning the use of e-learning programs for creating and designing flashcards, mind maps, presentations and electronic quizzes through training on Exam Time program; an online program with the properties of e-learning management programs. The workshop started with an introduction to the properties of the program, how to create an account and access to the program. The attendees, therefore, were trained to customize the profile page and send invitations to female students. Then the trainer began the practical part, which consists of four parts: Designing of flashcards, presentations, mind maps and quizzes. After each part, the attendees from Faculty Members were given the opportunity to apply what they have already learnt. The workshop is a critical event, due to the importance of using the modern technological methods and keeping up with the development in the field of information technology; particularly learning, designing modern teaching aids that support the educational process, as well as enrich and develop Faculty Members in conformity with quality standards, academic accreditation and achieving excellence among Faculty Members.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020