Zulfi College of Education Holds a Workshop Titled (How to Fill the Consistency Forms 17-20)

  • Zulfi College of Education Holds a Workshop Titled (How to Fill the Consistency Forms 17-20)

    Under the auspices of Zulfi College of Education, the Training Unit at the Quality Center held, on Thursday 14/2/1437 AH at 9:30 am, a workshop titled (How to Fill out the Consistency Forms 17-20). The workshop was presented by Dr. Abdul Hakim Radwan, the Head of the Quality Center, in the presence of the quality coordinators of academic programs. A range of topics were addressed including: - The definition of some important terms such as: learning outcomes, both types of key performance indicators (quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators), program evaluation, and benchmarking. - educational outputs according to the national qualifications outline, which include: (knowledge, cognitive skills, responsibility and interpersonal skills, communication skills and information technology and numerical skills, psychomotor skills). - Instructions on writing consistency forms in order to achieve quality assurance of the College's academic programs. - providing illustrative examples for some of the College's programs consistency forms, forms (17-20) in particular.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020