Within the framework of the activities of the International Day for Arabic Language, Arabic Language program, in the College of Education at MajmaahUniversity, announces in partnership with the Student Activity at the College the launch of the following

Competitions of the International Day for Arabic Language

 18/12/2013, 15/02/1435 H

First- Competition of Meaning of Vocabulary of Qur'an :

A - Terms of the Competition :

1) Memorise  Surat Al Nabba, taking into account the provisions of recitation .
2) know the meaning of the words of the Sura .

B – Mechanism of Participation:

An application form of participation is filled  in the Department of Arabic Language no later than Wednesday : 01/02/1435 H , then the test will be on Wednesday, 08/02/1435 H .

C - Award:

Galaxy Mobile in addition to a certificate of thanks and appreciation .

• Testing is done by a specialized committee of the Holy Quran meaning in the Department .

(One winner gets this award on the level of male and female students ).

Second- Competition of Arab Poetry

A - Terms of the Competition

It is required  to be as the following :

1) Standard Arabic Language.
2) Rhythmic according to Al Khalelyah metres.
3) Never be published before .
4) It must be either a national poetry  or about the  Arabic Language.
5 ) It should not be less than ten metres .
6) Passing the interview.
7) Submit three copies in addition to CD-ROM .
8) The poem is subject to an arbitration by a specialized literary committee. (Will not accept any poetic writing did not meet these conditions )

B – Mechanism of Participation

All required documents should be submitted to the Department of Arabic Language no later than Wednesday 08/02/1435 H .

C - Award:

An valuable award in addition to a certificate of thanks and appreciation.

(One winner gets this award either male or female student ).


Third - Competition of Essay

A - Terms of the Competition

It is required  to be as the following :
1) About  the Arabic Language .
2) Must not be taken from any topic of any writers .
3) Well formulated, written in Standard Arabic Language, and adhering to the rules of syntax, spelling , and punctuation as well .
4) Not more than two pages.
5 ) Should not have been published before  .
6) Take into account the elements of the article.
7) Three printed copies should be provided , in addition to the delivery of an electronic copy on CD-ROM .
8) The essay is subject to an arbitration by a specialized scientific committee.

B – Mechanism of Participation

All required documents should be submitted to the Department of Arabic Language no later than Wednesday 08/02/1435 H .

C - Award:

An valuable award in addition to a certificate of thanks and appreciation.

(One winner gets this award either male or female student ).


Fourth - Competition of Story

A - Terms of the Competition

It is required  to be as the following :
1) Written in Standard Arabic Language.
2) Should not have been published before.
3) Take into account the elements of the story and its means .
4) Should be linked to the Saudi society .
5 ) Should not be less than three pages, size A4, and no more than six pages .
6) Three printed copies should be provided , in addition to the delivery of an electronic copy on CD-ROM .
7) The story is subject to an arbitration by a specialized scientific committee.

B – Mechanism of Participation

All required documents should be submitted to the Department of Arabic Language no later than Wednesday 08/02/1435 H .

C - Award:

An valuable award in addition to a certificate of thanks and appreciation.

(One winner gets this award either male or female student ).

Fifth: Cultural Competition

A - Terms of the Competition

1)   You can get the application form of the competition ( from the Department of Arabic Language).

B – Mechanism of Participation

The application form of the competition, after being filled,  should be submitted to the Department of Arabic Language no later than Wednesday 08/02/1435 H .

C - Award:

Winners can receive certificates of thanks and appreciation and gifts as well .

The events ( of the International Day for the Arabic language ) will be concluded  on 18/12/2013, at that time a lecture on the Arabic language is included , as well as  honoring male and female winners.

Student Activity in the College


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020