Blood Donation Campaign and Health Exhibition

In cooperation with Hotat Seder Hospital and support from Deanship of Community Service and continuing Education, the Community Service Unit, Public Relations Unit and Students Activity Unit launched a blood donation campaign and the accompanying health exhibition to support the southern border soldiers under the theme "donate your blood" from Sunday 19/3/1438H until Wednesday 22/3/1438H. The program began with the opening ceremony, then the head of Hotat Seder Center, the faculty Dean and Heads of government departments in Hotat Seder inaugurated the exhibition and visited the participants' corners. The participants were: Hotat Seder Public Hospital which participated with three corners: diabetes, Anti-Smoking, and blood donation corners, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, Civil Defense, traffic department, MU Intellectual Awareness Unit, Nebras, General Presidency of the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vices, and The Cooperative Office for Call and Guidance. The exhibition visitors' were about 890 in four days. The exhibition came as part of the faculty plan to serve community, especially the southern borders' soldiers.

Last modified
Monday, 29/May/2017