Student Advisory Council Formation

The unit of student support formed a Student Advisory Council by instructions from the Vice-dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Obaid Al-Dousari and Mr. Tariq Al-Omer- Head of the Student Activity Unit and the Student Support Team on Monday 30/01/1438. Dr. Obaid Al-Dousari talked about the importance of the Council in helping students realize their academic goals and develop their social skills in addition to strengthening cooperation among them. “A council like this will support the students in their study and help achieve the mission of the College through collaboration and transparency,” Dr. Obaid said. Dr. Jalal Seddik-Head of the Unit- gave a detailed presentation on the vision, mission and objectives of the Council along with the procedures for candidacy for membership.. An election took place between the departments, and 8 members of the council were selected, where each 2 students represented one department. The 8 members selected Shalih Al-Rashidi as Head of the Mathematics Department for the current academic year.

Last modified
Tuesday, 23/May/2017