The University vice Presidency for Educational Affairs Organizes a Workshop Entitled "Academic Leadership: International Experiments"



In the presence of his Excellency the University vice President for Educational Affairs Prof. Dr. Mohammad Othman Alrokban and the Faculties and Deanships Deans, the University vice Presidency for Educational Affairs, in co-operation with Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information, organized a workshop targeted all the academic leaders in the university under the title "Academic Leadership: International Experiments". The workshop was presented by his Excellency Prof. Paul Bailes, the deputy of the academic council chair of Queens Land University in Australia on Tuesday 24/12/1434 – 29/10/2013. The workshop took place in the training hall in Deanship of Quality and Skills Development in the University City. Prof. Bailes discussed the topics that could rank the university higher at the national and international level such as being selective in choosing the teaching staff in addition to providing proper and comfortable environment for students to facilitate their creativity and innovation in research and other fields.   

Last modified
Wednesday, 13/November/2013