Strategic Planning Directorate General plays a vital role in the development and change of the university as it is committed to applying management practices that rely on sharing, excellence and innovation. Strategic planning is the process of predicting the future of an organization both internally and externally, measuring performance indicators in the past, present and future and evaluating opportunities and risks via developing the organization’s goals, strategies and policies. It is also one of the best methodological ways to make decisions that face challenges, insufficiency, crisis and risks. The team of the Strategic Planning Directorate General is pleased to cooperate and to form a partnership with any of the university’s sectors to achieve the university’s primary objective and that is being one of the world top universities that provides high quality education. We are filled with admiration to MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren and the vice-rectors for their support and interest in the development of this university. General Director of Strategic Planning Mr. Mohammed B. Al-Mashquor