The Director of Strategic Planning, Mr. Mohammad Al-Mashqour, honored a number of the department’s employees for their excellence and discipline during their work in the department in the presence of the Director of Organizational Development, Mr.

The Operational Plan Follow-up Committee held its meeting. The Head of the Committee, Dr. Saad Al-Qahtani, welcomed the committee members. The final report of follow-up of the initiatives was discussed including the recommendations and the difficulties facing the team to implement them. An…

The Strategic Plan Committee held its meeting which was chaired by the Vice-Rector for Development and Investment, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari. During the meeting, the fourth strategic report of the third strategic plan (2020 - 2025 ) was discussed along with the preparations for the future stage.

The Operational Plan Follow-up Committee held its first meeting at the General Administration of Strategic Planning. Dr. Saad Al-Qahtani, the committee's chariman, welcomed the members of the Committee and outlined the work plan for the coming period.
The General Administration of Strategic Planning held the fourth development meeting for the managers in the office of the director of General of Strategic Planning, Mr. Muhammad Al-Mashqour.
The General Administration of Strategic Planning conducted a workshop entitled: (The Strategic Plan for Majmaah University: From Vision to reality).
As part of the university’s preparations for the renewal of institutional accreditation, the General Administration of Strategic Planning, held in cooperation with the Deanship of Development and Quality, a workshop to review what has been accomplished so far by the the committee assigned to the…

The General Administration of Strategic Planning held a workshop for the coordinators of operational plans. The workshop began with a welcome speech from the director of Strategic Planning, Mr.

The Operational Plan Follow-up Committee held its meeting at the General Administration of Strategic Planning.

At the request of the director of Strategic Planning, Mr. Muhammad Al Mashqour, the Assistant Director, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Omar, met with the Chairman of the Operational Plan Committee at the College of Science in Zulfi, to follow up on achieving the university’s strategic goals and the…

The director of Strategic Planning, Mr. Mohammed Al-Mashquor, issued a decision assigning Mr. Abdelrahman Al-Omar as a director assistant.
The Strategic Plan Follow-up Committee held its first meeting under the chairmanship of Prof. Mussallam Al-Dosari.
The Risk Management Committee held its first meeting in the General Administration of Strategic Planning. Chaired by Prof.

The Operational Plans Monitoring Committee held its meeting which was chaired by Dr. Faisal Al Mutairi.

The General Administration of Strategic Planning, represented by the Risk Management Department, held a meeting with the General Administration of Occupational Health and Environment to address issue of common interests between the two sides as well as the potential risks in the university and ho

The General Administration of Strategic Planning, with the participation of the Supreme Permanent Committee for the Strategic Plan, issued the second report of the third strategic plan of MU (2020-2025).
At the directives of the director-general of Strategic Planning, Mr. Muhammad Al-Mashaqour, the assistant director-General, Mr. Nasser Al-Aqeel, held a meeting with the work team of the Risk Management Department to update the guides, plans and reports of the Risk Management Department.

The General Department of Strategic Planning launched a process to analyze radiological and nuclear risks in the university environment.

At the request of MU rector, Saleh Al-Mizil, the Standing Committee to follow-up MU’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025 held its periodic meeting under the chairmanship of the Vice Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, to discuss the development of the plan in view of the current state.

The Director of General Administration of Strategic Planning, Mr. Muhammad Al-Mashaqour, commended efforts exerted by everyone to celebrate this day.