Program Mission
Qualify national cadres capable of competing in the labor market in the field of biological sciences; meeting the requirements of sustainable environment development; and contributing to biological research and community service.
Program Goals
1. Apply various general education competencies through the study of Biology.
2. Apply their knowledge in modern industry or teaching in high-quality graduate programs in Biology.
3. Learn and explain biology within a professional, legal, and ethical responsibility
Program Mission
Give an excellent educational service for undergraduate students in Environmental Protection Technology and sustainable development, making them capable to be competent in accordance with the standards of the labor market, provide a stimulating academic environment for scientific research, and provide knowledge services to the community.
Program Goals:
1. The students will know basic environmental principles and concepts.
2. The students will apply the interdisciplinary principles of environmental science.
3. The students will Analyze and evaluate the most important environmental issues facing Saudi Arabia and be proficient problem solvers.
4. Students will use appropriate technology tools.
5. Students will be excellent in learning, scientific research, and community service in the environmental field.
6. Students will synthesize and communicate scientific research