MDL Course Specification Level-4

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Slide 1


Course Specification
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8

Level 4

Module number: MDL 241 Module Title: Hematology

e.g. 4th  level

Credit Hours:

There of lecture hours: 2 hrs

There of practical hours: 1 hr

There of self-study hours: 2 hrs



Learning Outcomes/ Goals/ Skills of the Module:

By the end of this course students will be able to:

• Name the components of blood and describe the ways to deal and store them.

• Describe and memorize the steps of production and degradation of blood cells, and then differentiate between healthy and abnormal blood cells.

• Explain and summarize various blood tests; as measurement the hemoglobin concentration and enumerate red and white blood cell count. Etc.

• Differentiate between the various blood diseases and their causes.

• Work effectively in team.

• Calculate, evaluate and interpret the Red Blood Cell Indices using hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and red blood cell count results.
• Analyze the blood groups (ABO system) and Rh factors to determine the most important diseases as hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).

• Perform blood-drawing, fractionated its constituents, manipulate the storage of blood fractions in blood banking, and perform blood transfusions for patients.

Content of the Module:

• Constituents of human blood (solid elements and plasma) and blood main function.

• Production and degradation of blood cells.

• Haematopoiesis (formation of blood cellular components, Erythropoiesis and myelopoiesis).

• Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs).

• Iron metabolism and erythropoiesis.

• Iron storage and recycling.

• Hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb).

• Blood typing (ABO system), Rh system, and blood transfusion.

• Leucocytes (white blood cells, WBCs).

• Thrombocytes (Platelets, PLT); Hemostasis, Fibrinolysis, Blood Coagulation Pathways, and Coagulation Factors.

• Blood Diseases:

-Types of Anemia

-Leukemia and Leukopenia



• Blood bank

-Blood collection and processing

-Blood storage and management


Written exams ( 1st midterm exam – 2nd midterm exam – practical exam – final exam)

Homeworks and assignments (including written quizzes, oral presentations, lab report).


Module number: MDL 242 Module Title: Histology

e.g. 4th  level /2ndsemester

Credit Hours:

There of lecture hours: 2 hrs

There of practical hours: 1 hr

There of self-study hours: 2 hrs



Learning Outcomes/ Goals/ Skills of the Module:

By the end of this course students will be able to:

• Recognize the basic knowledge of the structure, function, and organization of the cells, tissues, and organs of the human body.

• Name the specific type of tissues and cells.

• List and label the specific location of cells, tissue types in the body.

• Justify the cells, tissues and organs, their functions and the major components.

• Work effectively in team.

• Perform microscopic examination of cells, tissues and body organs.

• Draw and label histological slides seen during the course.

• Demonstrate the structural features and different tissue elements of each organ under the microscope.

Content of the Module:

• Introduction, Micro-techniques, and staining

• Cytology: cell membrane.

• Cytology (cell organoids, cytoskeleton, cell inclusion).

• Nucleus (DNA, chromatin, Chromosomes, Chromosomal abnormality).

• Epithelium (surface epithelium, glandular epithelium, cell junctions).

• Connective tissue (CT) general characters, and CT fibers.

• Connective tissues cells, CT proper.

• Cartilage; Cartilage cells, types of cartilage.

• Bone; bone cells, types of bone, bone healing.

• Blood; blood plasma, blood cells, bone marrow, hematopoiesis.

• Muscular tissue; structure of muscle cell fibers, types of muscles.

• (skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, smooth muscles).

• Nervous tissue; brain, spinal cord, structure and types of nerve cells, types of nerve fibers, nerve ganglion, injury and healing of nerve cells).

• Vascular system: arteries, veins, blood capillaries, blood sinusoids.

• Lymphatic system: immunity, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland.

• Respiratory system: nasal cavity, trachea, bronchial tree, lung.

• Digestive system: oral cavity, gastro-intestinal tube, liver, pancreas.

• Urinary system: kidney, urinary tract.

• Reproductive system: male and female reproductive organs; such as testis, ovary, uterus.


e.g. written examination, presentation

written exams ( 1st midterm exam – 2nd midterm exam – practical exam – final exam) – homeworks and assignments ( theoretical – practical) – Oral presentation – Lab. Reports.


Module number: MDL 243 Module Title: Medical Microbiology

4th  level

Credit Hours:

There of lecture hours: 2 hrs

There of practical hours: 1 hr

There of self-study hours: 3 hrs



Learning Outcomes/ Goals/ Skills of the Module:

By the end of this course students will be able to:

• Make meaningful comments about each of the microbiological terms encountered during the course.

• Describe the general characteristics that differentiate bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

• Demonstrate an awareness of the fundamentals of the human immune system.

• Demonstrate an awareness of the conditions that make patients susceptible to infections.

• Demonstrate an awareness of the role of the host and pathogen in the development of infections.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of bacterial pathogenesis.

• Demonstrate an understanding of virus biology and pathogenesis.

• Demonstrate an awareness of fungal biology and pathogenesis.

• Demonstrate an awareness of the significance of parasitic infections.

• Demonstrate an awareness of conventional and molecular methods used in medical microbiology for the diagnosis and treatment of microbial diseases. Specific Topics will be published in the course handbook.

• Investigate relevant literature and prepare technical reports on aspects of Medical Microbiology.

• Be aware of infection control measures relevant to a microbiology working environment.

Content of the Module:

• Introduction in microbiology and microscopes, difference between microbes.

• Bacteriology- Morphology of bacteria, structure of bacteria, bacterial growth, relation between the host and microbial flora, and collection of samples for the identification of microbes.

• Examples of pathogenic bacteria to humans (characteristics, transmission, diseases, prevention, diagnosis, treatment).

• Virology: (general characteristics, structure, viral genetics, classification, diagnosis, examples of pathogenic diseases).

• Mycology: (importance of fungi, definitions, classification, structure, difference between bacteria and fungi, fungal multiplication, transmission, growth, diseases, treatment, examples of pathogenic fungi).

• Parasitology: classification of parasites, transmission, examples of pathogenic parasites, treatment, lifecycles.


Written examination, presentation, practical examination.


Module number: MDL 244 Module Title: Introduction to Immunology

4th  level /1st semester

Credit Hours:

There of lecture hours: 1 hr

There of practical hours: 1 hr

There of self-study hours: 2 hrs



Learning Outcomes/ Goals/ Skills of the Module:

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• Gain critical understanding of key concepts, principles, and practice in immunology.

• Differentiate between natural and acquired immunity.

• Understand the different mechanisms by which the immune system works to protect the body.

• Understand the different types of antigens and realize the structure , function and different classes of immunoglobulin.

• Engage in other more advanced immunology courses.

• Appreciate the need for laboratory immunological techniques and be able to apply these techniques in real work situations.

Content of the Module:

• Introduction to Immune system

• Cells, and Organs of the Immune System

• Innate and Acquired Immunity

• Immune Responses

• Immunoglobulin

• Antigens

• Antigen – antibodies reaction

• Complement

• Antibody Structure & Function

• Autoimmunity

• Hypersensitivity

• Immune-deficiency diseases

• Clinical immunology and serology

• Revision


e.g. written examination, presentation

written exams ( 1st midterm exam – 2nd midterm exam – practical exam – final exam) – homeworks and assignments ( theoretical – practical) – Oral presentation – Lab. Reports.


Module number: MDL 245 Module Title: Analytical Chemistry

4th  level /2nd semester

Credit Hours:

There of lecture hours: 2 hrs

There of practical hours: 1 hr

There of self-study hours: 2 hrs



Learning Outcomes/ Goals/ Skills of the Module:

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• Recognize the basic knowledge and principlesof analytical chemistry.

• Recognize the basis of analytical problems, record statistics of analysis of data, memorize samples concentration units and equivalences.

• Memorize the concepts of acids, bases in reactions as well as precipitation reactions and the conditions required for gravimetric analysis. Describing the suitable reagents for the determinations of sample solutes and metal ions.

• Interpret the methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter in UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry, and the instrumentations required and units.Use and choose the suitable method for analysis.

• Create the methods of determinations of different acid-base reactions and precipitation reactions.

• Write a report and orally using appropriate scientific language.

• Work in a group and learn time management.

• Communicate with teacher, ask questions, solve problems, and use computers.

• Predict the principles of interaction of sample with solvent and stationary phase, partitioning effect, in chromatographic methods of separations and quantifications.

• Operate questions during the lecture, work in groups, and communicate with each other and with me electronically, and periodically visit the sites I recommended.

• Prepare analytical solution.

• Perform the analytical process with high sensitive.

• Calibrate the different analytical techniques.

Content of the Module:

• Basic concepts of analytical chemistry and statistical methods of analysis.

• Stoichiometry of chemical reagents, equivalence, buffer solutions and theories of neutralization indicators.

• Titration curves of different types of acid-base reactions and analytical problems.

• Principles of oxidation-reduction, titration curves and the applications of standard potentials in chemistry.

• Precipitation reactions, titration curves and gravimetric methods of analysis.

• Electrochemical methods of analysis.

• Spectophotometric methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

• Chromatographic methods of separations and quantitative analysis.


e.g. written examination, presentation

written exams ( 1st midterm exam – 2nd midterm exam – practical exam – final exam) – homeworks and assignments ( theoretical – practical) – Oral presentation – Lab. Reports.