Dean of Faculty of Sciences and Huamnities in Alghat Receives the Direcotor of University Department of Security and Safety in Alzulfi and Alghat and Assistant Manager of Operating and Maintenance Management in Alzulfi and Alghat

His Excellency the Dean of the Faculty Dr. Khaled Abdullah Alshafi received the the director of University Department of Security and Safety in Alghat and Alzulfi Mr. Abdullah Abdulrahman Alfuheid and Mr. Abdullah Abdulaziz Alabdah, the supervisor of safety and the assistant manager of management of operatign and maintenance in Alzulfi and Alghat. During the meeting, topice that are of interest of both sides were dicussed and looked into ways of developing them In order to come up with a number of recommendations to be submitted to his Excellency the University vice President. The Dean of the Faculty commended on the efforts of the University vice PREsidency throughout summer vacation and the maintenance work was conducted that included buildings and devices for female campus.


أخر تعديل
الأحد, 07/ديسمبر/2014