Procedural Objectives;

A-Raise the awareness among the faculty members of the importance of the community service.

B- Participating in the local development and the community service on behalf of the University.

C-Participating in improving the health care in the local community.



Forming a Committee called “Community Service Committee,” which is directly affiliated to the college deputy for graduate and scientific research, which consists of the following members:

       - Three staff members.

     - Secretary who is entitled to implement.

the following tasks:

- Contacting with the deanships and committees being responsible for the community service in order to conduct and execute the community programs of medical health care.

- Coordinating the process of hosting the cultural and scientific activities that serve the community.

- Coordinating the academic departments and medical services with the aim of prioritizing the role of the college in serving the community.


The committee consists of the following members:

Name Occupatin
Dr. Muhammad Al-mansour  Chairperson
Dr. Alsadek Youssef Member
Dr. Ahmed Alshaya Member
Mr. Abdullah Almousa Secretary