Maternity and Child Nursing Department Activities

The Department of Maternity and Child Nursing strives to organize a variety of activities that aim to support students academically and professionally, including:

Academic guidance:

Providing academic support to students with the help of specialized academic advisors.
Organizing workshops to enhance academic skills such as time management and effective learning strategies.

Practical training:

Conducting training courses and applied workshops to improve students' skills in maternity and child care.
Organizing field visits to hospitals and health centers to bridge the gap between theoretical education and practical application.

Voluntary and community activities:

Participating in health awareness campaigns related to maternity and child.
Organizing awareness events inside and outside the college in cooperation with health and community entities.

Scientific research:

Encouraging students to engage in research projects related to the the fields of maternity and child.
Providing support to students to publish their research in conferences and scientific journals.

Professional development:

Holding seminars and lectures by experts and specialists to develop students' professional competencies 
Holding workshops on advanced healthcare technologies. 

The Department of Maternal and Child Nursing aspires to be a platform for academic and professional excellence in women and child care by holding various programs and activities.