News Archive

The Student Rights and Services Unit organized the first day’s events of student rights and services week in coordination with Training Unit under the slogan “Know your rights, we are here to help you” on Sunday 27th Safar, 1438 AH. The activity - organized by the team unit and chaired by Dr.

The Student Activities Unit (female campus) organized a program entitled: “The Smile” on Sunday 20th Safar, 1438 AH, under the supervision of Dr. Ne'maat A. Qasim. The activity was prepared by students as part of the requirement of Mental Health Course.

Counseling and Guidance Unit held a program entitled “Moment of Happiness” on Thursday, 24-2-1438 AH. Presented by Dr. Nammat A. Qassim, an assistant in educational department, the program discussed various meanings of happiness, its importance as well as its causes and effects in the future.

The Student Support Unit held a Training program entitled “Mental Health-Problems and solutions” on Wednesday, 23/02/1438 in collaboration with the Training Unit. The Head of the Unit, Dr.

Under the supervision of the Academic advising coordinator Dr. Zohour M. Al Fadel, English Department's Advising Unit held a workshop for academically outstanding female students who got 4.5/5 and above at the reception hall.

The Student Support Unit held a Training program entitled “Communication Skills on Thursday, 24/02/1438 in collaboration with the Training Unit. Presented by Dr.

The Units of Student Support and Public Relations at the Faculty organized a training course about the Skill of Leadership on Sunday, 20/02/1438 in Room NO.24. The training session, presented by Dr.

The Vice-Deanship for academic Affairs, Vice-Deanship of Quality and Development and Community Services Unit organized an activity entitled (Water is Life) on Wednesday 23\2\1438AH in the female sections. Ms. Maha Alifan, Vice-dean for Student Affairs, Ms.

The Student Support Unit in collaboration with the college training unit held a training session for students titled "cyber addiction: symptoms and treatment tools". Dr. Jalel Seddeek, the unit director conducted the training that took place on Sunday 20/2/1438 in room N 2/27.

ًWorkshop Entitled: (Scientific Research Skills) In cooperation with the Unit of Training and Public Relations, the Student Support Unit held a workshop entitled ( Scientific Research Skills) on Monday 21\2\1438 AH at room 2\24 as part of the Unit's activity plan. Dr.

The Department of Business Administration at the Faculty (Female Section) held a meeting with the Assistant Vice-dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Madawi Hussein in collaboration with the Unit of Public Relations at the Faculty on Wednesday, 29/02/1438.

The vice-dean office for academic affairs in the female section in collaboration with the Public Relations and IT Units organized a meeting between the female section vice dean Dr. Nourah Bint Shaker AL Shehri with the new students on Monday 7/2/1438 at 08:30 am. Dr.

Organized by the Student Unit at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtet Sedeir, a lecture entitled “Body Defense System” was given by Dr. Eman Mahmoud- Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the College.

The Student Activities Unit in collaboration with the Public Relations and Gardens Department of Hutat Sudir, the Municipality carried out an afforestation campaign of the valleys and parks in AL Amalah Valley in Hutat Sudir on Monday 7/2/1438. The Municipality was represented by Mr.

The Department of Business Administration held, on Monday 30/01/1438 AH, a workshop on selecting programs offered by the Department. Dr.

The Student Activities Unit in collaboration with the Islamic Studies Department in the female section held on Monday 30/1/1438 a campaign under the banner *Ethics Are Your Value.

The College Deanship along with College Vice-Dean of female students sections organized a meeting between the Dean Dr. Yousf M.Almahawas and college female staff on Monday 30/1/1438 in Honoring Hall.

The College Departments Football Championship was concluded at King Salman bin Abdul Aziz stadium in Hotat Sudair on Wednesday, 02/02/1438 AH, in the presence of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Saad bin Mohammed Al Othaimeen, as well as the members of the Student Activities Unit. The…

The unit of student support formed a Student Advisory Council by instructions from the Vice-dean for Educational Affairs, Dr. Obaid Al-Dousari and Mr. Tariq Al-Omer- Head of the Student Activity Unit and the Student Support Team on Monday 30/01/1438. Dr.