First: About scholarships for non-Saudis:
Majmaah University offers scholarships to non-Saudis. There are two kinds of scholarship:
• Internal scholarships: (for non-Saudi students with legal residency in the Kingdom). For more details on requirements and how to apply, please click here
• External scholarships: (for non-Saudi students who are overseas). For more details on requirements and how to apply, please click here
Scholarships are fully funded, partial funded or self-sponsor in accordance with the regulations of the University Council.
Second: Objectives of scholarships:
• Communicate the essence of Islam to the world, teach Arabic language, and promote the culture of moderation.
• Qualify specialized scholars who have significant role in their societies.
• Accept students who are excellent academically and capable to achieve diversity and enrich scientific research.
• Form partnerships with educational institutions and Islamic and scientific bodies to serve humanity.
• Strengthen solidarity between the Kingdom and other countries.
• Introduce students to the scientific, economic, political, social and health progress in Saudi Arabia.