Advisory Council for Students Holds a Meeting


A Committee for Nominating members of advisory councils for students has been established in order to be a communication channel between students and the faculty dean. With relation to this, the council members held the first meeting with the faculty dean, and the objective of these councils was presented to show how crucial such councils are for discussing students' difficulties and seeking resolutions. In view of this, students of every department should discuss their issues through this council that is comprised of five students from every department. The followings are the topics that were discussed:

            First, guiding departments to hold meetings with students to discuss the following:

1. Discussing the academic plan for every department.

2. Planning the class schedules for the future years.

            Second, prevent giving lectures between 12 pm and 1 pm.

            Third, activating the social network program (Twitter)

            Forth, regulating students activities   


Last modified
Saturday, 24/November/2012