The College 0rganizes a Seminar Entitled “The Gap between Theory and Practice in the Administrative Work”

The College 0rganizes a Seminar Entitled “The Gap between Theory and Practice in the Administrative Work” Within the framework of the events of the training unit that pertains to the development and quality deanship, the unit presented a training program for teaching the administrators the necessary job skills. Dr. Jamal Halaoua, the quality center coordinator and the training unit responsible directed the program and it was delivered by Dr. Rafi Rweidan, and addressed the staff members of the administration and the students. The program aimed at teaching and conveying the idea of utilization through training to the administrative staff and students, as well as pointing out the advantages of training, excellence, performance and skills development, planning, organization and abiding with the regulations and laws. Dr Rafi also explained the difference between theory and practice in the basic skills required for administrators through giving several examples. At the end of the presentation, questions were raised for discussion while deducing the most important points that must be applied in managerial work focusing especially on technology and the necessity of abandoning the theoretical talk





أخر تعديل
الاثنين, 14/أبريل/2014