General regulations for using the library:
Regulations and rules must be adhered to by library staff and visitors in order to maintain the library's facilities and offer the best services. Staff must adhere to opening and closing times, and showing the identity card while working at the library. Other rules include the following:
1. Maintain the library equipment like information resources, devices, tools and furniture. Do not damage them in any way.
2. Keep calm, turn off phones and do not enter unauthorized areas.
3. Do not eat or drink inside the library.
4. Staff only can use the library telephones
5. Adhere to borrowing rules set by Deanship of Library Affairs. Use the library computers only for research and scientific purposes.
6. Do not move any object outside the library unless you have borrowed it or have an official permission.
7. Do not move any device or equipment outside the library without an official permission.
8. Do not take photos, give lectures or held meetings without an official permission.
9. Do not misuse, write on or tear up the information resources.
10. Return books to their places and do not hide them.
11. Do not let your waste or paper on floor or reading tables The Deanship has the right to refer any student who breaches the rules to the Disciplinary Committee, and to the university management for staff.