Academic Advisory and Student Rights Unit

Academic Advisory and Student Rights Unit

About the Unit:

The unit is concerned with services and protecting students’ rights according to MU by-laws and systems and raising students’ awareness of their rights and duties and Permanent seek to raise the level of services for students and dissemination of the culture of students’ rights and duties in accordance with international standards in higher education institutions, to achieve self and humanity in student creativity and excellence requirements. 

Unit Tasks:

1- Provision of academic and non-academic consultations to help students face the difficulties they might encounter throughout their academic path.

2- Provision of advice on issues concerning students.

3- Raising students’ awareness on how to obtain their rights through the proper channels.

4- Dissemination of the culture of students’ rights and duties.

5- Spreading the principles of justice and fairness for all university students.

6- Receiving students’ academic and non-academic complaints and trying to resolve them according to MU laws and systems.

7- Participation in the preparation of the annual report on the college regarding the unit.

8- Undertake any other works assigned by the immediate supervisor 

Unit Members


Member Name            


Contact Number       



Dr. Randa Mohamed Ibrahim

Head of the Unit