Message from the Head of the Department:
The Medical Laboratory Sciences (MDL) program, provides traditional courses as well as extensive training in actual clinical laboratories. Program's lectures and our practical session in labs provide students with a substantial knowledge base as well as fundamental skills and basic techniques in clinical laboratories. The facilities are modern and well equipped for this purpose. Students receive instruction using actual clinical specimens in a laboratory environment, and students are trained to process these samples and examine all data and results. Additionally, MDL students trained to interact with potential technical errors that could be detected during their lab work and troubleshooting. Both BSc & MSc programs required actively involvement of students in discussions and writing reports to tests their understanding and getting responsibility in initial diagnosis of patient’s result in different disciplines as a lab specialist in the future. Finally, MDL department arrange for student’s visit to medical laboratories in variety of Hospitals, research centers and medical cities in order to enhance the process of learning and encourage students to gain deep knowledge and understanding of their work space in future.
Dr. Mohammed Alaidarous
Head of the Medical Laboratory Sciences
Phone:-00966(0)16 404 2919
Email: [email protected]