Head's Message
It is indeed a special privilege and a pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Medical Equipment Technology (MET), College of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University. The Medical Equipment Technology Department has a good standing history in teaching and research quality in the biomedical engineering field. This academic department offers a Bachelor degree in Medical Equipment Technology that devoted to develop biomedical instruments, biomedical software and analyzes medical data.
Therefore, the department vision is compatible with the Saudi Arabian missions, where it's focused on the creativity and innovation in teaching medical devices technology to establish local and national partnership and to contribute to scientific research internationally. The department Mission is to qualify distinctive and innovative competencies scientifically, skillfully and behaviorally in the field of medical equipment technology and to provide community services through an advanced academic environment.
The majority of our MET graduates are now working in big and specialist hospitals, contributing in the medical devices maintenance and managing/planning hospitals. In addition, they have significant roles in the healthcare markets and development of medical devices regulations. Our department strives to keep contact with its alumni, the healthcare providers and the community, which will be build strong relationships with benefits for the department and the alumni.
MET Laboratories are well equipped in the department including biomechanical, biosignaling, bioimaging, electrical, research workshop, etc. Therefore, our strategic agenda is to establish postgraduate degrees in the field of biomedical engineering, and training/consultation center that enhance the knowledge and skills in the relevant fields.
Dr. Ibrahim Rasheed AlMohimeed, PhD
Head, Medical Equipment Technology Department
Phone: +966 16404 2931
Email:[email protected]