Message from the Head
Welcome to the Department of Physical Therapy at the Majmaah University. It is an exciting time to be a physical therapist and looking at a career in physical therapy. There are so many opportunities in clinical practice, education and research for the physical therapist today.
Physical therapy is a dynamic profession with an established theoretical and scientific base and widespread clinical application in the restoration, maintenance, and promotion of optimal physical function. Physical therapists have a background in science, health care systems and human movement. Physical therapists are licensed to practice in Saudi Arabia. To be eligible for licensure, they must be a graduate of an accredited physical therapist educational program.
The mission of our program is to prepare skilled physical therapists who are professionally committed to practice in an ethical manner, for the advancement of health care services, research and community partnership. We provide an education to meet this mission in an enriched academic environment where learning is fun and comfortable. We have well qualified faculty members who are committed to excellence in physical therapy education.
We are very proud of our faculty, students, alumni, facilities, and our curriculum. We have a great faculty - who are diverse in background and interests, who are very talented and creative, as well as active in the profession. Please look around our web site and enjoy exploring physical therapy at Majmaah University. Should you have additional questions, feel free to contact me.
Dr. Ahmad Alanazi
Chairman, Physical Therapy Department
Phone: +966 164042824
Email:[email protected]