Graduate Attributes
M.Sc PT Graduates will demonstrate excellent problem-solving skills, critical judgement, ethical and social understanding, independence and inventiveness, effective communication skills, evidence -based clinical reasoning and understanding in the field(s) studied;
- Creative thinking: In therapeutic intervention, demonstrate reasoning, problem-solving, critical thinking, introspective abilities which can culminate into personal and interpersonal development.
- Technical Skills: Apply and explain physical therapy principles and methods in a professional, ethical, legal, and safe manner across a variety of settings and demographics to improve quality of life and assist patients in adopting a healthy lifestyle.
- Professional Competence: Use assessment tools to track, record, and measure the effects of therapeutic interventions and the progress of patients toward their restorative goals to enhance quality healthcare delivery and mature as a healthcare practitioner in an ethical manner.
- Effective Communication: Communicate all aspects of patient assessment and care in a clear, accurate, and thorough manner.
- Community Participation: Graduates are responsible and competent global citizens whose personal ideals and behaviors align with their societal responsibilities.
- Research & Innovation: Build a foundation for evidence-based practice by developing critical evaluation abilities and facilitating physical therapy research.