News Archive

احتفالية كلية الهندسة بيوم التأسيس

Under the patronage of Dr. Saleh Al-Dahesh, the Dean of the College of Engineering, and in the presence of Dr.

مشاركة كلية الهندسة في ملتقى أسبوع الابتكار في الاستدامة

Dr. Tarek Al-Bajoury, a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the College of Engineering participated in the Sustainability Innovation Week Forum which was held as part of the activities of the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United…

طلاب كلية الهندسة يشاركون بورقة علمية في مؤتمر سلامة واستدامة الطرق

A group of students of the College of Engineering at Majmaah University participated in the "Road Safety and Sustainability" conference organized by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics in cooperation with the General Authority for Roads and the International Road Federation (IRF).

كلية الهندسة

The College of Engineering conducted a workshop for students of the Mechanical Engineering Program. The workshop was presented by Dr. Jad Al-Mawla, in the presence of the Head of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, Dr. Abdul Majeed Al-Munaie.

الملتقى الهندسي للطاقة المتجددة بكلية الهندسة

Under the patronage of MU's rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mezal, and the presence of the vice- rector for educational affairs, Prof.

كلية الهندسة تنظم حلقة نقاش علمية حول الطاقة المتجددة لطلاب الدراسات العليا"

The Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the Engineering College, organized in cooperation with the Department of Electrical Engineering, a seminar on renewable energy for graduate students.

 حفل اختتام الأنشطة الطلابية في قسم الهندسة الكهربائية

The Department of Electrical Engineering held a closing ceremony for student activities on Wednesday in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club.

شهادة الاعتماد البرامجى الكامل لبرنامج الهندسة المدنية بجامعة المجمعة

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has obtained the full accreditation certificate for the Civil Engineering program after fulfilling all the national and international academic requirements and standards for teaching in the program.

Deemed as the highest academic…

أعضاء هيئة التدريس وطلاب كلية الهندسة يشاركون في صيانة ممشى طريق الملك فهد بحوطة سدير

A number of faculty members and students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering visited the municipality of Hawtat Sudair, on Tuesday to participate in a variety of volunteer work.

كلية الهندسة تقيم جلسات حوارية متخصصة بعنوان " فرص ريادة الأعمال في قطاع الطاقة"

The College of Engineering held specialized discussion sessions entitled "Entrepreneurship Opportunities in the Energy Sector" with a group of faculty members in the presence of a number of college students. This activity is part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week.


The College of Engineering, represented by the Intellectual Awareness Unit, held an exhibition on the danger of drugs in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs and the Hayat Association. The exhibition was conducted in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr.

"ورشة عمل سرطان الرئة" بكلية الهندسة

Under the sponsorship of the Vice-Rector's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, and under the supervision of the Student Activities Committee, a workshop titled "Lung Cancer" was held at the College of Engineering.

دورة تدريبية "اجراءات السلامة المهنية لطلاب التدريب الهندسي" بكلية الهندسة

Under the auspices of the Vice-Dean's Office for Educational Affairs and Development, and in cooperation with the Occupational Health and Safety Unit, the Training Unit held a training course entitled "Occupational Safety Procedures for Engineering Training Students", on Sunday.


The College of Engineering, in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research, participated in the 10th edition of the Smart Networks Conference, which was organized by the Ministry of Energy, in the presence of college deputies and a number of faculty members and students.

مشاركة طالبات كلية الهندسة في معرض اليوم الدولي لمكافحة الفساد 2022

At the request of the College of Engineering, Dr. Saleh Al-Dhash, a group of students from the female campus participated in the International Anti-Corruption Day Exhibition 2022, held under the patronage of MU rector, Prof. Al-Mizil.

The dean, Dr. Al-Dhash, received a certificate of…

تمكين العمل التطوعي

MU rector, Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, presented a certificate of appreciation to the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Saleh Al-Dhahsh, in recognition of the college's role in promoting volunteer work at the university during the year 2022.

اليوم العالمي السعودي للتطوع

Under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Saleh Al-Dahesh, a number of initiatives to celebrate the Saudi International Volunteer Day were held which aims to consolidate volunteer work and its sustainability through permanent activities.

برنامجا توعويا لطالبات ومنسوبات الكلية عن مرض سرطان الثدي،

The College of Engineering's management at female campus collaborated with the management of the College of Applied Medical Sciences to conduct an awareness program about breast cancer. The program addressed the causes, treatment methods, and preventive measures.

ادارة كلية الهندسة تستقبل فريق عمل متخصص من عمادة السنة الأولى المشتركة

The management of the College of Engineering welcoming a specialized team from the Common First Year Deanship to present and discuss the operational plan for teaching English language to the students of the College of Engineering, as well as to exchange experiences and suggestions.

احتفالية معايدة قسم الطالبات بكلية الهندسة بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك

At the request of the dean of College of Engineering, Dr. Saleh Al-Dahsh, a celebration gathering was held on Eid-Alfter in the presence of faculty members and students.