The College of Nursing holds an awareness campaign about sickle cell anemia

كلية التمريض تقيم مبادرةً توعويةً عن مرض الأنيميا المنجلية

The College of Nursing, represented by the Volunteer and Community Service Unit, held an awareness campaign about sickle cell anemia at an elementary school in Majmaah. A lecture was delivered about sickle cell anemia by Dr. Sharifa Al Asiri, who explained the nature of the disease and its symptoms, causes, and consequences along with the available treatments and preventive methods.

Awareness corners were set up by the students to provide information in an easy and simplified way to the target groups, particularly children. These corners including the anatomy which explained the blood cell, healthy nutrition corner, which highlighted foods that are rich with iron and vitamins along with foods that help improve the health of sickle cell anemia patients and strengthen their immune system and the inspiring stories corner, which allowed the students to share their short stories about sickle cell anemia patients and how they succeeded in overcoming the challenges of the disease. The stories were presented through short videos or texts, with the aim of motivating the audience. A corner was dedicated for answering questions with providing the necessary information about the disease and methods of prevention and treatment.

Last modified
Sunday, 20/October/2024