Research Interest and Publications-Dr. Mohamed Sherif Sirajudeen

Dr. Mohamed Sherif Sirajudeen

Research Interest

1. Balance rehabilitation and Fall Prevention

2. Ergonomics

3. Musculoskeletal Disorders


1. Sirajudeen MS, Waly M, Manzar MD, Alqahtani M, Alzhrani M, Alanazi A, Unnikrishnan R, Muthusamy H, Saibannavar R, Alrubaia W. 2022. Physical activity questionnaire for older children (PAQ-C): Arabic translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometric validation in school-aged children in Saudi Arabia. PeerJ 10:e13237

2. Alzhrani M, Alanazi A, Alqahtani M, Sirajudeen MS, Herrington L, Jones RK. Analysis of Single Leg Squat and Single Leg Landing Performance Variability among Professional Soccer Players Across a Season. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences. 2021; 9(6): 1460-1469.

3. Reshma, Sirajudeen MS, Chinnakalai T, Suhail M, Al-Hussinan NM, Pillai PS. Reliability of the Flexible Ruler in Measuring Lumbar Lordosis among Children. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020; 14(11): YC01-YC04.

4. Sirajudeen MS, Waly M, Alqahtani M, Alzhrani M, Aldhafiri F, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Saibannavar R, Alrubaia W, Nambi G.  Generalized joint hypermobility among school-aged children in Majmaah region, Saudi Arabia. PeerJ.2020; 8:e9682.

5. Sirajudeen MS, Manzar D, Alqahtani M, Alzhrani M, Albougami A, Somasekharan Pillai P, Spence DW, Pandi-Perumal SR. Psychometric Properties of the Athens Insomnia Scale in Occupational Computer Users. Healthcare. 2020;8(2):89.

6. Kaja R, Vaiyapuri A, Sirajudeen MS, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Waly M, Devaraj SS, Seyam MK. Biofeedback flutter device for managing the symptoms of patients with COPD. Technology and Health Care.2020; 28 (5): 477-485.

7. Sirajudeen MS. Physical Therapy Management for Child with Generalized Joint Hypermobility. Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences.2020;8 (1): 113-119.

8. Sirajudeen MS, Muthusamy H, Alqahtani M, Waly M, Jilani AK. Computer-related health problems among university students in Majmaah region, Saudi Arabia. Biomedical Research. 2018;29(11):2405-15.

9. Sirajudeen MS, Alaidarous M, Waly M, Alqahtani M. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among faculty members of college of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. International journal of health sciences. 2018;12(4):18.

10. Sirajudeen MS, Siddik SSM. Knowledge of Computer Ergonomics among Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Students in Karnataka, India. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care. 2017;9(2): 64-70.

11. Sirajudeen MS, Pillai PS. Test-retest Reliability of a Questionnaire to Assess the Ergonomic Knowledge of Computer Professionals. International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.2015;4(4): 239-243.

12. Manhal S, Sirajudeen MS, Pillai PS, Nair HR, Marla J. Occurrence of Shoulder disorders among Post coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients in India. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2015; 3(1):34-39.

13. Sirajudeen MS, Pillai PS, Vali GMY. Assessment of Knowledge of Ergonomics among Information Technology Professionals in India. International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.2013;2(4):192-197.

14. Sirajudeen MS, Shah UN, Pillai PS, Mohasin N, Shantaram M. Correlation between Grip Strength and Physical Factors in Men. Int J Health Rehabil Sci. 2012; 1(2): 58-63.

15. Sirajudeen MS, Shah UN, Mohan N, Somasekharan P. Content Validity of a Questionnaire to Assess the Ergonomic Knowledge of Computer Professionals. International Journal of Current Research and Review. 2012; 4(11):114-121.

16. Sirajudeen MS, Somasekharan P, Shah UN, Mohan N. Content Validity and Inter-rater Reliability of a Checklist to Assess the Ergonomic Practice of Computer Professionals. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research. 2012; 1(2):11-18.

17. Kumar CGS, Syed N, Sirajudeen MS, Karthikbabu S. Position Sense acuity across Shoulder Rotational range of motion. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research. 2012;15(3).

18. Shah UN, Sirajudeen MS, Somasekharan P, Mohasin N, Shantaram M. The Association between Hand grip Strength and Hand dimensions in Healthy Indian Females. International Journal of Current Research and Review. 2012; 4(2):36-42.