Research Interest and Publications-Mr. Hariraja Muthusamy

Mr. Hariraja Muthusamy

Research Interest 

1. Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

2. Physical Activity

3. Sedentary Behavior

4. Respiratory dysfunctions


1. Sirajudeen MS, Waly M, Manzar MD, Alqahtani M, Alzhrani M, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Saibannavar R, Alrubaia W, Physical activity questionnaire for older children (PAQ-C): Arabic translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometric val

2. Mohammad Miraj* 1,3 , Msaad AlZhrani1 Ahmad Alanazi1 , Fuzail Ahmad1 , Faizan Kashoo1 ,Shaik Abdul Raheem1 , Deepak Kumar2,3 Priyanka Chauhan3 , RadhaKrishnan Unnikrishnan 1 , Hariraja Muthuswamy1 and Mazen AlQahtani1, 4 Effectiveness of Osteopathic

3. Hasan S, Kandasamy G, Alyahya D, Alonazi A, Jamal A, Unnikrishnan R, Muthusamy H, Iqbal A. Effect of Resisted Sprint and Plyometric Training on Lower Limb Functional Performance in Collegiate Male Football Players: A Randomised Control Trial. Internationa

4. Kaja R, Vaiyapuri A, Sirajudeen MS, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Waly M, Devaraj SS, Seyam MK. Biofeedback flutter device for managing the symptoms of patients with COPD. Technology and Health Care. 2020 Jan 1;28(5):477-85.

5. Sirajudeen MS, Waly M, Alqahtani M, Alzhrani M, Aldhafiri F, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Saibannavar R, Alrubaia W, Nambi G. Generalized joint hypermobility among school-aged children in Majmaah region, Saudi Arabia. PeerJ. 2020 Aug 11;8:e9682 .

6. Vaiyapuri A, Kashyap P, Kashyap N, Muthusamy H, Unnikrishnan R, Alqahtani M. Is stiff person syndrome benefited by physical therapy intervention? summary of case reports. BioMed Research International. 2019 Mar 24;2019 .

7. Sirajudeen, M. S., Alaidarous, M., Waly, M., & Alqahtani, M. (2018). Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among faculty members of college of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. International journal of h

8. Arumugam A, Raja K, Venugopalan M, Chandrasekaran B, Kovanur Sampath K, Muthusamy H, Shanmugam N. Down syndrome—A narrative review with a focus on anatomical features. Clinical anatomy. 2016 Jul;29(5):568-77.

9. Alqahtani M, Vaiyapuri A, Seyam M, Shawky G, Muthusamy H, Kashyap P, Alkathiry A, Alshewaier S, Almansour A, Al Yahya D, Almutairi A. A Study of Health and Wellness and its Knowledge among Non-Teaching Staffs of College of Applied Medical Sciences, AlMajm .

10. Muthusamy H, Aldajah S, Sivanandan Ramar A. Comparison of Cardiovascular Response between Men and Women to Isometric Exercise of Lower Limb. International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. 2015;4(3):193-200 .

11. Dajah SA, Muthusamy H. Effects of back and respiratory muscle exercises on posture and respiratory function in elderly patients with osteoporosis. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2015 May 2;22(5):233-7.

12. Aldajah SB, Muthusamy H. Strengthening exercises of respiratory muscles improve respiratory functions and posture in osteoporotic patients: an experimental study. International Journal of therapies and rehabilitation research. 2014 Oct 1;3(4):1.

13. Ramar S, Al Dajah SB, Muthusamy H. Immunohistochemical Localization of Estrogen Receptors in the Hippocampus of the Wistar Albino Rats.

14. Ramar, S., Rosy, P.J., Dajah, S.B., & Muthusamy, H. (2016). Prevalence and Etiological Factors Involved in Female Pelvic Prolapse in South India.