Research Interest and Publications-Dr.Mohammad Miraj

Dr.Mohammad Miraj

Research Interest

1. Arthropathies

2. Public Health

3. Telemedicine


1. Miraj M., Kashoo F., Saleem S., Alzhrani M., Alanazi A, et al. (2022) Prevalence of night eating syndrome associated with psychological disorders among university students: A metanalysis, Journal of King Saud University - Science, 102031,

2. AR Shaik, F Ahmad, M Miraj, M Alqahtani, M al.(2021) Efficacy of the structured balance awareness program on perceived balance confidence and fear-related maladaptive behaviour in post-stroke survivors.   NeuroRehabilitation, 2021

3. Miraj M., AlQahtaniM.,Alzhrani M.,Alanazi A. Kumar D.(2021) Comparative study between Muscle energy technique(MET) versus kinesiotaping (KT) in managing work related low back pain among health professionals : A Double blinded study. TJPR 32(3) : 15281 -15290

4. Miraj M., Al Qahtani M., AlZhrani M., Alanazi A. Hasan Z. and Garg T.(2021) Efficacy of Kinesio Taping in attenuating work related low back pain among physiotherapy and nursing professional. J Res Med. Dent Sci  9(4) : 415-424

5. Miraj M, AlZhrani M, AlQahtani M, Alanazi A, Ahmad F, Kashoo F, Shaik A. R, Seyam M, Kumar D, Pathak A, Afzal K, Alsaleh A. A. A, Mehrunnisha Ahmad M.(2021) Effectiveness of Hold Relax Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Technique in Total Knee Arthroplas Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm.;14(4).

6. ,AlghadirA.,MirajM, AliS.(2020)EfficacyofCurcuminwithIontophoreticapplication on paw edema and hematological responses in collagen induced arthritis rat models. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2020:4606520.Published 2020 Apr 9.doi:10.1155/2020/4606520

7. MirajMandMirajSA(2020)CoronaVirusDisease-19:TheNewChallengeforSaving the Human Race. Biosci. BioTech. Resea. Comm.13(1): I-V.

8. AliSA,ChoudharyRK,NaazI,KhanN,SajidM,GalgutJ,Miraj M, JakkaladLand Ali AS (2015) Comparative characterization and scientific validation of certain plant extracts from their biomedical importance Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Vol 8(1)57-64.

9. Miraj M., Islam R., Quddus N., AnwerS(2013) Efficacy of deep cervical flexor strength training versus conventional treatment in cervicogenic headache. Int. J. Cur. Res. Rev 5(08), 84-90.

10. Anwer S., Quddus N., Miraj M., Equebal A.(2011) Effectiveness of electromyographic biofeedback training on quadriceps muscle strength in osteoarthritis of knee, Hong Kong PhysiotherapyJournal,29(2):86-93.

11.  Iqbal A.,KhanSA.andMiraj M. (2010) Efficacy of ischaemic compression technique in combination with strain counterstrain technique in managing upper trapezius trigger point pain. Indian Jour. of PT & OT 4(2) :10-15

12. Rathinam C, Nair N, Gupta A, Joshi S, Bansal S., Miraj M.( 2007) Self-reported motorcycle riding behaviour among school children in India. Accid Anal Prev. 2007 Mar;39(2):334-9. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2006.09.002. Epub 2006 Oct 17. PMID: 17049470.