Scientific Research Unit

Scientific Research Unit

About the Unit:

The Scientific Research Unit is to provide a distinctive research environment among the faculty members which helps in developing the skills of innovation, high quality and creative research that positively impacts on the social, educational and healthcare needs of the society.

 Unit Tasks:

1- Enhancing the activities of college and developing its capabilities in the field of scientific research.

2- Preparing the operational plan for scientific research and emphasizing its implementation mechanisms among the academic departments of college.

3- Maximizing the scientific research outputs from the faculty.

4- Coordinating with the Deanship of Scientific Research, and Research Centers in the University for procuring research funds for the faculty.

5- Increasing the level of collaborative and interdisciplinary research Nationally and Internationally.

6- Implementation of any directives by the Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.

Unit Members


Member Name              


Contact Number         



Dr. Asma Alonazi

Head of the Unit


[email protected]

Scientific Lectures(2021-22):

1-Mendeley: Citation Management

2-Researc Ethics

3-How to Write a Scientific Paper

4-Critical Appraisal of Journal Article

5-How to Write Dissertations/Thesis

6-Scientific Research Proposal Writing

7-How to Use Turnitin

8-Ways of Preparing for an Academic Presentation

9- How to Write Research Proposal 

10-How to Use RefWorks

Scientific Lectures(2022-23):

1-Communication and dissemination of your research data

2-Pitfalls In The Collection Of Lab And Clinical Data

3-Ethics of Research

4-Uses Of Mendely

5-Reviews Article Writing

6-Citing and Referencing

7-Secrets of Successful Interdisciplinary Research